Civil servants unions oppose gov’t plans to decut salaries without reviews

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Kenya Union of Civil Servants have faulted President William Ruto for reducing civil servants’ salaries without public participation

Speaking on Sunday 7th, May, Secretary General for the union, who is the Member of Parliament for Nyatike Tom Odenge, accused government of planning to cut down miserable salaries for civil servants

“We are not going to allow government employees be treated as maids, we are facing challenges of insufficient salaries against the high cost of living, the salaries and remuneration has not reviewed workers’ salaries for the last eight years, yet you think of reducing what is meager!,’’. Odege wondered.

The sentiments were echoed by Kenya National Union of Teachers [KNUT] and Universities Academic Staff Union [UASU] say they were not consulted before the proposals were made. They are moving to court to block implementations of such draconian proposals

“We condemn in the strongest terms possible the heartless, insensitive, and cavelier manner in which the government is proposing to impose housing levy without any commensurate increment in workers’ emolument.

They demanded immediate government reversal of that levy threatening to make a decision soon on the way forward on the continuous government insensitivity over to the plight of workers especially in public sector   

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