Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been forced to sack one of it’s top employee over the claims of soliciting for tenders from principals, corruption and abuse of office.
Dr Kennedy Juma Mulunda, the deputy chief executive, was found guilty of using his authority to bully more than 10 principals of different schools in Western and Nyanza into giving some companies contracts.
Dr Mulanda was found guilty of making threats to deal with teachers who refused to listen to him if he were to take over as CEO after Dr. Nancy Macharia by a panel of commissioners who looked into the situation.
According to a letter dated June 20, 2022 and signed by Dr. Macharia, the official in charge of the secretariat staff, he was notified of his termination.
After investigations by the principals discovered reams of evidence against him, Dr. Macharia claimed she was acting on directives from the commissioners.
Dr. Mulunda received a letter of termination after going through a disciplinary hearing in January.
Additionally, he is charged with intimidating the regional representatives of the commission by abusing his authority as deputy CEO.
Sources claim that Dr. Jamleck Muturi, the chairman of the TSC, created a special committee to look into the claims of abuse of authority made against Dr. Mulunda and produced a report on February
“Dr Mulunda is accused of abusing his position on several occasions in 2020 and 2021 by harassing, coercing, and pressuring staffing officers to transfer multiple principals in Western and Nyanza outside of the authorized transfer matrix and against the commission’s transfer policy,“ Part of the disciplinary letter read
Additionally, he is charged with forcing principals of several public schools to violate the Public Procurement and Assets Disposal Act by giving contracts to businesses connected to him.
Among the tenders he demanded were fumigation services in various schools