Coast Region: CS Peninah Malonza receives a memorabilia from the National Museums of Kenya

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CS Malonza recognized by the heritage sector and tourism industry for her unmatched performance in the previous ministry

In her current docket, she has vowed to turnaround marginalized areas to an agricultural economic hubs given the necessary support from both stakeholders

She’s the only CS distributing relief food whenever she goes to launch national programs to cushion citizens from adverse effects of El-Nino rains

Cabinet Secretary for EAC, ASALs, and Regional Development Hon. Penina Malonza today had a courtesy call from the Chairman of the National Museums of Kenya (NMK), Mr. Edwin Abonyo, who conveyed to her a heartfelt message from the staff and management back at National Museums of Kenya.

CS Malonza expressed her honour to have received a memorabilia from the National Museums of Kenya – Coast Region Office. “Alongside a team from the Sultanate of Oman, we collaborated on enriching and modernising the Lamu Museum. It is efforts and initiatives like these that contributed to tourism being the best-performing sector under the Kenya Kwanza Administration during my tenure at the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife, and Heritage.” She added.

The CS reiterated that it was a great pleasure for her working with the dedicated team from NMK who were passionately focused on preserving Kenya’s rich heritage.

On Wednesday 17th January, Malonza visited Kitui county to distributed relief food to residents affected by El-Nino at Mbusyani, Kisasi Ward, Kyome Thaana, Ngutani and Migwani areas

Yesterday, CS was at Mwingi West and Yatta Constituency distributing relief food as well as launching national governments projects to improve the conditions of pathetic roads in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands

Ms Peninah Malonza, Minister for EAC, Arid and Semi Arid Lands and Regional Development distributing relief food at Kairungu location, Kiomo Kyethani Ward.

This comes days after some busybodies from kamba land raising pedestrian concerns on social media platforms claiming that the CS has deviated from her ministerial functions by distributing relief food to cushion the victims of El-Nino rains

Our positive commentaries and stories about Ms Malonza has left some jittering of sleepless nights as we took them head-on now threatening to seek legal exercere in vanitate

Malonza’s timely response and compassionate action have been a beacon of hope to many families facing hardship

The initiative not only alleviates immediate hunger but also symbolizes the government’s commitment to its people in times of need.

“Your leadership and dedication to the welfare of our community are truly commendable. Thank you for your unwavering support and for being a tangible example of effective and empathetic governance,” Editor Stated

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