Section of Western Leaders now warns Medical Services PS Harry Kimtai that they won’t tolerate his appetite of removing Health Cabinet Secretaries should they not come from two tribes
Western Members of Parliament have defended Health Cabinet Secretary Ms Deborah Barasa and warned those behind her ouster that they will mention and shame them in a broad daylight .
Led by Tongaren Member of Parliament Dr John Chikat, the MPs threatened to occupy the Afya House should the ouster bid is not stopped by the sponsors and financiersĀ of that sinister motive, demanding respect of their own daughter
“This country is not only for the two tribes, those who don’t want a luhya ladies holding plum positions should mind of their own business otherwise we know you were just appointed; you contributed nothing not even campaigning for this government,” Sirisia MP John Waluke referring to unmanned individual.
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Chikati, disclosed that those putting spirited pressure for the removal of Ms Baraza is the same individuals who pushed for the removal of ex Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha, in July 2024
Backing the joint statement, Sirisia who is a vocal UDA legislator, warned that they will not tolerate people who did not campaign for the formation of the current regime lecture them on how to lead health and other lucrative ministries because it is their time to governĀ

Majimbo Kalasinga [Kabuchai MP] stated that women are not supposed to be fought, according to the luhya traditions, and there are serious consequences that can befall to the one behind heinous blackmail against a luhya lady
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Bumula Member of Parliament Jack Wamboka who is allied to opposition, demanded a total respect from the other communities before they call a spade a spade and paralyze house business
The MPs, unanimously opposed any attempt to replace Madam Barasa, remarking that she is more than qualified to handle health matters only few areas at national scheme that needs to be streamlined for the beneficiaries to benefit from the newly introduced Social Health Insurance Fund