- Senate Roads Committee set to discuss the conduct of Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja over his contemptuous behaviour
- Sakaja failed to appear before the committee seventh time and instead wrote a letter that he’s in Cape town
- Senators registered their displeasure and agreed to make final resolutions on 7th December, 2023
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has been warned by Senate Committee on Roads, Transportation and Housing after yet again failing to appear before them in a record seventh time
Senators were disappointed by the Governor’s no show and instead, the Acting County Secretary, wrote an apology letter informing the senators that the governor was in South Africa attending water summit at Cape town
The departmental chair who is Kiambu Senator Karungo Thangw’a, relaxed the penalties until 7th December, 2023 when Sakaja will be required to appear after depositing Shs500,000 fines to the office of the clerk of the Senate
“We shall consult the Speaker, and discuss with the House the conduct of the Governor Sakaja and make resolutions on 7th December after the expiry of 6th day when he is supposed to deposit Sh500,000.
Our resolutions will form basis of applicable penalties that can compel him to respect Senate and the people of Nairobi who voted him,” Karungo ordered
Thangw’a further advised the people of Nairobi to discuss about the conduct of their governor in streets, hotels, corridors, homes and everywhere so as to shame his behaviour
“Senate can invoke several acts including ordering Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome to make sure he’s arrested and brought before the Senate Committee.
Other Acts, states that Senators can order stoppage of any further construction within the county until the boss appears before senate
Kitui Senator registered his displeasure by the way governor sakaja is taking senate committees stating the latter is aware of the consequences but seems to be testing the depth of the waters
“When Senator Governor Sakaja left this Senate was a good leader. He believes fully that the senators have powers but is living in denial. Dishonouring committee invites and summons is testing what will happen eventually
“I request the Chair to find him extremely contemptuous for the Senate and the Republic of Kenya for not honouring Senate and apply the harsh standing orders that will compel him to respect the representatives of the people,” Kiio remarked
Kajiado Nominated Senator Peris Tobiko advised the chair to undertake whatever penalty that the law allows so that he can respect the committee summons