Veni, vidi, vici. Allow Gen Zs to make Gov’t of National Unity (GNU)

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The Gen Z are championing the ideals of Political governance, transparency and accountability.

They helped to trim significant fat from a budget that was landing us in more debt so that a few can live like royalty on taxes. They have helped bundle out a cabinet that was corrupt.

They have called out the president and his honchos on spurious foreign travels. The Gen Zs are right to demand better governance and accountability


They have achieved in a few months or weeks what the combined Houses of Parliament and the official Opposition could not achieve. Government is a public service and not a private enterprise.

Methinks the Gen Zs have made a huge difference in our national psyche. They came , they saw the rot and they have righted some of the wrongs. Veni, vidi, vici. They are now the defacto opposition of the Government of National Unity (GNU).

Gen Z have taken a sabbatical. There are two kinds of fighters in this world; those who fight to eat and those who eat to fight. Invariably the former has a lower bar easily achievable and are now eating at radisson. A powerful lesson to the Gen Zs. They will now have to lick their wounds and revisit after burying their friends.

A cursory review of the written raft of demands, all they want is good governance, no corruption and working systems that caters for all. The Ruto must go is just a clarion mantra to sum up where the buck stops and also easier to sing or sell to elicit seriousness.

We are all overburdened and disgusted by this government and united in applauding the Gen Z for making the political class to dive into rabbit holes.

15% CGT from January this year makes transactions more difficult; visits by tax collectors with all manner of questions and extortions ; unpredictable, fluctuating shilling due to unchecked government borrowings; a neutered parliament and senate; all manner of levies and indirect taxes; no hospital facilities for those without insurance etc., and noveau riche politicians and tenderprenuers splashing money everywhere in a country with serious poverty levels, joblessness, etc.


The Gen Zs have brought back a semblance of sanity and responsibility in the discharge of public affairs and I salute them for that. The protests will no doubt end and hopefully soon but the world has taken notice and applauded them for standing up in the face of great adversity and making a difference.

Gen Z s are people and they were heard. As the Good Book says let those with ears hear. They made all of us confess that they had valid points. Heck they have made Baba stop the AU campaign and run back to try to score a dubious penalty even when he was not in the game!

Parting shot: A good dancer knows when to exit the stage.

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