North Eastern Residents Demands Release of Missing Della Ward MCA

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North Eastern Residents Throng at Milimani Law Courts Demanding Immediate Release of Missing Della Ward MCA Yussuf Hussein

Eldas MP Aden Keynan has been vocal over the forced abduction and disappearance of the MCA who went missing on 13th September

Civil Rights Activists, Lawyers and Lawmakers accuses government of perpetrating heinous abduction and holding the MCA incommunicado

Thousands of North Eastern People have converged at Milimani Law Courts demanding the immediate release of Della Ward MCA Yussuf Hussein who went missing on 13th September 2024. 

Led by Eldas lawmaker Aden Keynan who has been at the forefront accusing the national security apparatus for the heinous abduction and holding the MCA incommunicado, noted that the Kenya’s constitution is being backtracked by the current regime 

Recently, the missing lawmaker was reported to have died and his body found in Wajir, the information which they termed orchestrated and sponsored by state machinery


“This Government has continued perpetrating impunity and abducting Kenyans without following the constitution that was promulgated in 2010. Let this regime not remind us(north eastern people) of the atrocities committed during the Moi’s regime.  We shall not accept to be treated as less human beings,” Keynan charged 

Keynan termed the recent disclosure by some security apparatus that the NCA was found dead in wajir as misleading so as to test whether the people he represents and the larger North Eastern people will believe before they commit felony 


“The family Doctor who conducted DNA test to his brothers and his children confirmed to the whole world that no blood samples had relationship of the corpse found at Wajir, so we want the government to produce our son alive or dead,” he added


Additionally, Haki Africa Chief Executive Director Hussein Khalid who has been fighting for the rights of mistreated Kenyans, warned that they will move to the highest court to demand immediate release of the MCA 

He held that there is no law allowing Kenyan police to abduct person and deprive him of fundamental rights without producing him to court as per the laws of the country 

Family’s defence lawyer Danston Omari charged that they will use all legal means to hold government responsible over the mysterious disappearance of the legislator two months ago 


“We are leaving nothing to chance, there’s no law that permits rogue police to abduct anyone even if he’s a criminal, the law ought to be followed and respected, this is not a banana republic, we are guided by the rule of law that must be strictly adhered to by every person in our country,” Omari lecturered 

He warned that no one is above the law and will fight through the corridors of power to ensure that the family and wajir people gets justice and no subjection into lesser people 

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