AG Muturi urged parliament to make necessary amendments on the affordable housing bill to conform with public’s interests
MPs sought to understand why the deductions wouldn’t be directed to NSSF so that unqualified can withdraw their contributions upon retirement
Kenyans with payslips will have to find other means of filling tha gap of the amounts deducted for affordable housing fund after the Attorney General Justin Muturi endorsed it’s full implementation
Appearing before the joint National Assembly Committee on Housing, Urban Development and Finance, a National Planning, Muturi gave a green window for the legislative; forming government to make amendments which deems fit for the bill to conform with public’s demand
“Parliament may make amendments as many as possible in regards to this bill. The technical committee in the department of housing sought legal advice from the office of the AG and the bill was then drafted the way it is. It can be amended
Nobody has monopoly of knowledge therefore let legislative arm do what is the best for Kenyans to benefit from the programme.’’ Muturi remarked
However, Muturi also gave shocking revelations that astonished MPs that the affordable housing fund bill has to go through the senate for approval because it touches on counties where huge chunks of lands will be used for development
On the question by Baringo North MP Joseph Makilap why did the drafters of the bill propose deduction of employee’s salary from the gross instead of the basic so as to have uniformed cuts- Muturi welcomed the suggestions positively by urging MPs to do what is good for the country
“People are asking why didn’t the sponsors of the bill use NSSF Model instead of double taxation, such that once an employee attains a certain age and can’t qualify for the house, be in a position to withdraw his/her all contributions just like in NSSF,’’ Makilap questioned
According to AG, blessed the bill stating that any overlapping may be witnessed at the county levels and the two levels of government shall have to reach consensus on any complexities before implementing the program