Wiper Rally called off at Tononoka, Mombasa.

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The Wiper rally that was expected to be held in Tononoka grounds, Mombasa county to drum up support for Wiper gubernatorial candidate Mike Sonko has been suspended unexpectedly.

This is after they were denied access to the grounds. It comes just hours after Kalonzo’s declaration that Mombasa county is a wiper party zone.

“Natangaza leo kwamba Mombasa sasa ni ngome ya Wiper,” Kalonzo blasted

On Friday, 6th May, Kalonzo team put Mombasa county on a stand still after a triumphant grand entry into the town with thousands of coastal people chanting Sonko for the next governor in Mombasa

The ODM party, led by Raila Odinga, incumbent governor Ali Hassan Joho and their gubernatorial aspirant who is Mvita MP Abulswamad Sharrif must be scared of Sonko.

Rumours doing rounds on social media platforms is that they are using all tactics possible including deep state to frustrate Sonko’s entry into Mombasa politics through Kalonzo Musyoka’s party

Today, Sonko’s opponents organized section of kaya elders to malign his name of carrying out entertainment joints within Mombasa county

Of interest, is that, unidentified man from Mombasa came out lamenting that the grave which Sonko held a memorial service on Friday wasn’t of her late mother but from a different family

The details about the family remains scanty as Wiper leaders claims that the man was ‘hired’ by Sonko’s political detractors to tarnish his name and set him against one ethnic group in the coast