Machakos: Rita Ndunge’s appointment as Roads CECM raises eyebrows among Wiper MCAs

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  • The appointment of Rita Ndunge has raised mixed reactions from politicians in Kalama Ward in Machakos County

On congratulating CECM Rita Ndunge

The Machakos County Oversight Caucus Chair Henry Carlos Kioko has termed the appointment of Rita Ndunge as Chief Executive Committee Member for Roads and Transport as political with no interests to residents of Kalama Ward. 

Speaking to on Monday 20th November, Kioko said Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti appointed Rita in a bid to reverse mistrust of her government by Kalama people. 

But according to Nominated Member of County Assembly on Maendeleo Chap Chap Party [MCCP] Margaret Ndalana, who hails from Kalama Ward, said Rita is a party hopper who moves from one party to another. 

She disclosed that, Rita was in Jubliee Party where she missed a great opportunity by President Ruto, before joining MCCP where she was denied Women Rep ticket due to allegations of a love triangle saga 

“The controversial lady joined MCCP and now is in Wiper despite dissatisfaction by Wiper MCAs. Rita Ndunge political path is on a decline,” She claimed 

Speaking separately on Rita’s appointment, Kalama Ward Member of County Assembly Boniface Maeke, alleged that Rita is a security trained professional with no capacity to translate technical BQs in the transport department. 

Mr. Henry Carlos Kioko who is seeking  to be elected as United Democratic Alliance [UDA] Farmers Representative observed that Kalama has lost a promising Women Rep in Rita Ndunge. 

In suming up, majority of Wiper MCAs im Machakos have been complaining that Wavinya is not working with Wiper professionals. 

Wavinya defeated by Waita in Kalama during last General Election. 

Kioko opined that Kalama does not need appointments but Dams, market toilets, water, electricity, funded TVets, equipped hospitals ,boreholes , fertilizer and seeds. 

“Recently the people of Kalama expressed dissatisfaction through its MCA Hon. Maeke in shoddy work at Kathi Dam and Lumbwa dam respectively,” he remarked  

He disclosed that Kalama remains a stronghold of Mavoko Member of Parliament Hon. Patrick Makau and former gubernatorial candidate Hon. Nzioka Waita.

21 thoughts on “Machakos: Rita Ndunge’s appointment as Roads CECM raises eyebrows among Wiper MCAs

  1. Good morning My County, Governor Wavinya ndeti is failing her development agenda due to the people she assumed in office as Ministers ( CECM) The problem Machakos county is experiencing right now is having Unprofessional, Unskillled, incompetent CECMs. From Ngangani Reuben know Rita Ndunge who has never build a Latrine. Will She manage our roads in Machakos? The good answer is NO. How do Sociologists become and engineer?

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