West Mugirango MP Stephen Mogaka moves to court over Teacher Suspension by TSC
He cited clauses of the law that requires learner’s dignity for learning not to be violated at a very critical hour
Nyambaria High School Principal Charles Onyari’s suspension as exams centre manager has raised eyebrows
West Mugirango Member of Parliament Stephen Mogaka has threatened to move to court to sue Kenya National Examination Council [KNEC] for suspending Nyambaria High School Principal Charles Onyari as a centre manager in the on-going [Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education] examinations
Speaking at Parliament Buildings on Wednesday 8th October, Mogaka termed KNEC’s move to remove examination managers from his constituency without due process is against the basic tenets of the law and elusive to learner’s education rights
He arguably, observed that the move will affect learners minds psychologically thereby affecting the national performance in their exams
“Kufuta mwalimu bila sababu na kuwatoa wanafunzi wakati wa exam ni hatia kubwa sana kisheria, kama kuna irreguarity iliofanyika wangepasa kuandikisha repoti kwa police na kufuata utaratibu
Vilevile, kutoa huyo mwalimu mkuu ni kuonyesha madharau na kuwatia wanafunzi wasiwasi ili wafeli katika mitihani yao ya kitaifa
He stated that even though transferring examination centre manager from one place to another is the work of Knrc should be done in a more civilised manner “The interdiction of the examination centre managers arbitrary is a clear indication that there is war set in that school and we shall square out in court to demand justice our our children,” he added
He adde that whisking student out of examination room, interrogating them and returning them is a total violations of education act and child act, which should not be condoned,” Mogaka pointed
Additionally, demanded the Directorate of Criminal Investigation [DCI] to come out clean on the matter as to why they would whisk out a candidate without involving the teachers at the duty station
“I am extremely disappointed as a MP, I want to ask KNEC to treat my candidates with a lot of dignity and respect.
This is the country of rule of law and we can’t accept the future of our children be put under jeopardy.
You can suspend examination but we will see you in court, take note of that,” The first term legislator who’s a lawyer argued.
Nyambaria High School in Nyamira County was the surprise top performer in the 2022