Makueni Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana has said that Kalonzo was plotting on precipitating a run-off which could plunge the country into a repeat of the 2007/08 post election chaos.
Speaking on Tuesday 17th May at Machakos campaigning for CCU gubernatorial aspirant Nzioka Waita, Kibwana said Kalonzo’s move is calculated thinking it will favor him like 2007/08
“He should know that he cannot win alone and come back to Azimio before it’s too late,” he advised.
Mr Nzioka told Kalonzo to shelve his presidential ambitions and continue backing Raila’s quest to become the fifth Kenya’s Head of State.
“There comes a time when interests of a country are greater than those of an individual and this is that moment.
Kalonzo should not deny his people their golden opportunity to be in government,” he emphasized.
On his part, Executive Director of Azimio secretariat Raphael Tuju noted that the decision to select Martha Karua as Raila’s running mate was informed by the coalition’s determination to win rather than rewarding certain individuals.