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The Machakos gubernatorial debate has attracted all unprecedented five contenders who are considered to be strong and weighing their litmus test to sell to the electorates the most influencing candidate
Machakos is a scenery in it’s geographical map, as it sits in between the hills and few kilometres from the Mombasa Highway, a centre of metropolis and best suites for those in Nairobi
Now, Kenyans in social media platforms reacted differently as others made a joke out of the discussants, with Wiper’s candidate Wavinya Ndeti and UDA’s candidate Johnstone Muthama taking early lead
With all hopefuls promising to revolutionise Machakos county, took their best moments to offer an edging pledges to send a bit to mwananchi before hooking them on August 9th General Election, 21 days to go.
Particularly, Wavinya said that the borehole she rehabilitated way back when was a member of parliament for kathiani constituency is still serving communities
“Working and bringing water to the people is a job I know and I will do very well. I’m going to put up a mega dam in every ward and a treatment plant.
However, we can’t afford to have several boreholes because the water table in Machakos has gone down and we must put other methods of harvesting water to supplement borehole projects,” Wavinya said
On his take, United Democratic Alliance candidate Johnstone Muthama floored the Chama cha Uzalendo’s candidate Nzioka Waita for understanding well the issues affecting Machakos county
“As the next Governor, I will buy road graders that will be used to make our feeder roads in the entire Machakos County. Further, I will collaborate with national Govt for construction of major roads like Kangundo – Mwala Kaewa – Masinga – Ekalakala Roads etc,” Muthama pledged
Waita, who had claimed that boreholes can’t sustain the communities around the Machakos as well livestock was challenged by Muthama in a practicable explanation
Muthama told Nzioka off, “I want to prove you wrong since I did my first borehole in 1952 and it’s still having water. The other boreholes in my homes in Tala and Machakos are still supplying residents with water for free.
Maliti’s boreholes are lacking water since they were done without hydrological studies and that is inexorable truth.
I sank Ngalalya Borehole and @NziokaWaita needs to give me credit. This borehole has the highest yield of water per hour in the entire Lower Eastern Region,” He noted
However Nzioka defends himself, “I’d like to do this Job because I’ve been in the field of development now for the last seven years helping the national government to plan and execute development projects across the country,” He told Citizen TV.
The other fourth candidate who is the Deputy Governor of Machakos Francis Maliti is among those vying to succeed his boss, Governor Alfred Mutua.
He is not left behind as he believes his 31-years in the Public Service is the silver bullet for Machakos problems.
“My long service of 9 years in Machakos County has made me interact with the people of Machakos. I have an extensive experience in public service for 31 years I Rose to become director vision 2030.
I will bring that experience to Machakos County. Hii kazi ni kujituma you are not going to be elected and sit in the office like a big boss,” he says.
The fifth candidate is Rose Mulwa of the Empowerment and Liberation Party (ELP, who says her instinct as a mother will come in handy in delivery of service to all, equally.
“I’m the best candidate because I am approachable, accountable, responsible…being a woman I believe women are very merciful when she gives birth whether to a thief or a prostitute she distributes food equally,” she says