Uhuru, Ruto, Odinga to share podium

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  • Uhuru, Ruto and Odinga will share the same podium tomorrow at national prayer breakfast event
  • The event is organised by National Assembly and is always held at Safari Park Hotel Nairobi
  • The trio will be expected to focus on the theme and abdicate political polemics

Deputy President William Ruto is expected to share the same podium with his considered political nemesis ODM leader Raila Odinga 

The National Prayer Breakfast event will  be graced by President Uhuru Kenyatta at Safari Park Hotel at Nairobi on Thursday, 26th May, 2022.

The trio shall be forced to meet in an annual prayer breakfast event always conducted by the National Assembly

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This year’s theme tagged ‘transition’ due to expected transfer of instruments of power from Jubilee administration to that new one on August, 2022 after General Elections 

The 19th edition of the National Prayer Breakfast is just coming about two months to the August polls

According to organizer Dan Maanzo is that all leaders had been invited including Chief Justice  Martha Koome and it is upon them to choose whether to attend or not.  

“We have invited everyone, Deputy President William Ruto, Raila Odinga and even Chief Justice. It is now upon them to choose to attend or not

It is only Kalonzo Musyoka that we know is not in the country and therefore will not attend but the rest we expect  them at Safari  Park,” said Makueni MP Dan Maanzo 

The focus will now be on Ruto to see if he will put aside his political tantrums directed to President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga and attend the event calmly

Ruto fell out with Uhuru  after he buried his hatchet with Odinga on March 2018 in what came about to be identified as an handshake 

However, the truce between the duo pushed the second in command at the peripheries claiming someone-a state project misrepresented his functions 

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