Cherarkey faults TSC for grossly violating local and international labor laws by postponing their confirmation until 2025
JSS teachers have been intimidated and threatened by supervisors, administrators contrary to the constitution
The fate of 46,000 Junior Secondary School Teachers and other Teachers employed on contract terms remain in limbo
Nandi Senator Samson Cherargey has demanded Teachers Service Commission [TSC] to confirm all over 47,000 teachers on internship period because they have enough budget to do so.
Speaking at Parliament Buildings on Thursday 7th December, Cherargey demanded an explanation from TSC why they have not advertised teaching positions since the inception of Junior Secondary Teachers
“It should be noted that the Intern teachers were promised permanent and pensionable terms by mid of 2023 and well indicated in their terms of contract that it is not renewable but TSC now says that will come in 2025 contrary to the initial term of engagement thus contravening both local and international labor law,” Cherargey asserted
Administering of Quality Education
The vocal Nandi Senator has also faulted the implementation of Junior Secondary hinting that it will compromise the quality of education being administered since teachers are forced to teach all subjects yet they were trained to teach only two subjects
“Such actions will end up giving results that will ruin and hurt the future and lifes of our children as witnessed in the 2023 KCPE exams an issue that the Ministry must look into it keenly and restore hopes to tge children affected,” he sought more solutions from the relevant institutions
According to youthful Senator, TSC should confirm to permanent terms the first cohort of 21500 teachers that their contracts are expiring this December wd they await for the contracts of the rest to expire
“By doing this, the budget of TSC shall not be strained unlike confirming all the 46,000 teachers at once,” he advised
Junior Secondary Teachers have been demoralized, unmotivated, frustrated, stressed and mentally disturbed due to blackmail and intimidation meted on them by the TSC inspectors, supervisors and directors especially when they decry of the poor working conditions they are subjected to
JSS were the first patriots dedicated to pioneer and steer the new learning system in Kenya [Competency Based Curriculum] with the passion and determinations of receiving a pay half of what their fellow teacher with the same qualification without any medical cover, pension and poor working conditions.
“It’s high time the TSC reconsider its decision to renew the contracts for these teachers and go ahead and confirm them before the re-opening of schools in January to Permanent and Pensionable terms,” he concluded