Kitui-Kibwezi: Six children killed on spot in a road accident

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Kitui County has been engulfed in mourning after fateful accident that has claimed six innocent souls on Friday morning at Ikutha Sub County, Kitui Constituency

The six school-going children were killed on the spot in a road accident at Wiitu shopping centre on the Kitui-Kibwezi road.

While confirming the accident this morning, Ikutha Sub County Deputy County Commissioner Vincent Loctary Lomachary, said the victims include three primary school children and three from secondary school.

He said the learners were knocked down by a Probox vehicle while crossing the road.

The driver of the vehicle fled the scene before later surrendering himself to Mutomo Police Station

He has since been arrested and the vehicle impounded as investigations into the incident continues

Safi News Management sends heartfelt condolences to the families for losing their beloved children at their tender age, May God Comfort them at this trying moment

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