CS Malonza orders NGAO distribute stored relief food

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EAC, ASALs and Regional Development CS Malonza warns politician to stop politicking emergency food relief instead of accounting CDF monies

East African Community, ASALs and Regional Development Hon. Peninah Malonza’s move to order Kitui County Commissioner to distribute stored relief food to empty storages before the release of another consignment is a welcome to local community 

Speaking to former Kitui leaders who had paid her courtesy call in her office, Malonza disclosed that she’d reached an agreement with the National Government Administrative Officers to oversee the distribution of the relief food for transparency and report back to the national government in order to account the number of beneficiaries 

This was a testament to see how the leaders will conduct such crucial exercise over the riding concerns that some of school heads, chiefs and assistant chiefs have been accused by the locals by conspiring with political leaders to defraud the beneficiaries

According to CS, the Ministry is intending to roll out another consignment to all arid and semi arid areas during the drought period where the first storage had not been distributed over the surrounding issues that some politicians eespecially from her backyard were  attempting to use the donation for their advantage and recuperating their political oblivion 

While responding to the misguided reports, innuendos and unfounded claims circulating on social media platforms that there are certain leaders who met the President William Ruto over the same, Malonza noted that those are just schemes aimed at attempting to depopularize her efforts to address the  situations in her docket

She told concerned leaders that her appearance during such events were described well as a custodian CS in charge of emergency relief supplies and attends on ad hoc basis as a ceremonial witness to launch such activities and to commiserate with disaster victims 

“I know there has been malicious and fabricated stories for political motives which have been perpetuated by wayward politicians in the last three months. The Government has a clear policy and guidelines on safety, storage, distribution and even determination of bad food and its disposal. Any information contrary to this is null and void,” Director of Communications told the team which had visited the CS

On the flipside, some leaders especially from lower eastern region who were previously opposed to the distribution of the relief food in arid areas seems to have changed their tune and now wants to be associated with the exercise for a  political tool after failing to answer electorates over the queries of the millions of CDF monies allocated to them annually  

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