Supreme Court Throws Busia Senator Okiyah Omtatah Under Carpet

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The Supreme Court of Kenya has dismissed the case challenging the lifting of conservatory orders on implementation of Finance Act, 2023 by the Court of Appeal on 28th July 2023 

In the verdict delivered on Friday morning, the apex court said that it has no jurisdiction to enterain the appeal, adding that it’s not convinced that decision by court of appeal occasioned grave injustices to warrant its jurisdiction 

The intended appeals in the Court of Appeal have since been filled and are to be disposed of within 60 days of the impugned ruling. Furthermore, the hearing of the amended petitions before  the High Court is scheduled to commence this Septembe, noted the judge of thr high court 

The court struck out all submissions filed by the applicant saying that yjeu were out of court 

The applicant Notices of Motion dated 5th August 2023 is hereby dismissed 

Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu, warned Busia Senator Okiyah Omtatah to stop castigating judges or they may be forced to take action against the him

Omtatah had in the video clip discussed about the character of some judges including going against the principles of subjudice as per the constitution  

“We must remind parties that the dignity and authority of this court and indeed any court of law should not be taken for granted,” Judges noted 

We would like to state without any equivocation that we shall not hesitate to cite and punish any party or person whose conduct interferes and attempts to interfere with the course of justice in relation to any matter pending determination before the court or whose conduct deliberately undermines the court’s authority or dignity,” SCOK warned

Omtatah had told High Court judges David Majanja, Christine Meoli and Lawrence Mugambi who were hearing Finance Act petition that their ruling was against the interests of the public and he believes the Supreme Court will resonate with Kenyans 

“We find the message delivered in that video clip contemptuous and debasing of the dignity of this court,” They noted going against his earlier wishes

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