The Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) which is tasked with the responsibility of tracking and monitoring how the County Governments are raising their own revenue has commended Kitui County Government for doing a sterling job.
Speaking over the weekend in Kitui West, CRA’s commissioner Benedict Muasya announced publicly that Governor Malombe’s administration is the leading County in the country in terms of own source revenue collection.
Commissioner Muasya noted that there is something Governor Malombe is doing right and which needs to be emulated by the other counties.
“All the revenue records come to our office and I can tell you, Kitui County Government under Governor Malombe is really ahead of the game. Records on revenue collection show that Kitui is ahead of the others,”_ Muasya stated.
The commissioner noted that all the revenue that was being looted during the previous regime can now be accounted for, a testimony of sound and transparent leadership by the Governor.
The politician cum commissioner noted that it was wrong to criticize the governor when he’d already shown goodwill to deliver development to the people of Kitui.
The commissioner further called on the residents to disapprove those engaging in early politicking to distract the fulfillment of developmental pledges by Governor Malombe.
“I call upon all our people not to allow those trying to politicize on development issues. Elections regarding this were done. Our Governor is Malombe and we support him”. He added.
Governor Malombe dislodged all revenue thieves, sealed off all loopholes that were being exploited to steal revenue.
By appointing Roselyne Munyasya as the Head of Revenue. During her watch county revenue collections have shot to the top levels.