Machakos: Looming demos set to demand quality public service delivery

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Machakos County Senatorial hopeful Henry Carlos Kioko calls for demonstrations to demand quality service delivery within the county

He warns that if the situation remains unchecked and controlled then people of Machakos won’t benefit from the funds allocated by the national gov’t

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti has been warned of looming demonstrations which will deliver public petition as to why service delivery has not been efficient and effective since she took over 

In a video going rounds in social media platforms on Thursday 16th November, the people’s civic educator alias mwana witu has urged all the people to come out in large numbers as they exercise their constitutional right to hold protests for civic course

“We are calling for demonstrations and we are telling the people of Machakos to brace themselves for the mother of all protests. 

We also want to invite governor herself to come at Mulu Mutisya gardens to answer our questions because we have democratic right to question and we can’t go to any other county, we belong to Machakos,” Carlos poised 

The fearless politician of Maendeleo Chap Chap under the umbrella of United Democratic Alliance [UDA] called upon all residents and stakeholders in transport sector to join the public in peaceful vigil that will be announced very soon

“We want bodaboda, leaders ,NGOs, Civic leaders to join us in Community Demonstrations to deliver petitions to White House and County Assembly. We shall communicate dates in time,” Carlos stated

The vocal politician who has been eyeing for county’s senatorial bid, accused Governor of demolishing all kiosks meant for mama mbogas and other vendors without constructing them modern shops and stalls 

“We are calling bodabodas, mama mbogas for the governor failed to put up  bodaboda sheds as well as market sheds and public toilet and other utilities to come and voice our concerns,” he added 

Enjoining some of leaders who have deliberately made service delivery in Machakos to progress in a slow motion was Yatta Member of County Assembly MCA Ndawa whom he allegedly termed those dining with the top brass as “gang of theieves” hell  bent to deface the gains achieved in Machakos County   

He further accused Governor of hiring unqualified individuals to serve in the wards administrations office leaving out the best suitable candidates for the job hence confusing those serving under permanent and pensionable terms

“We have also received complains that some of the people Wavinya is recruiting as county coordinators and county administrators are quacks, why would she leave qualified young men and women and bring unskilled personnel,” Carlos questioned

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