Luo Nyanza: Court Challenges Raila’s Authority Backyard

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  • During the weekend, Azimio leader Raila Odinga attempted to dethrone the legimate Chairman of Luo Council of Elders, Mzee Nyandiko Ongandi despite a Court Order which had restrained the process

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition’s Leader Raila Odinga’s unconstitutional attempt to dethrone Mzee Nyandiko Ongandi as bona fide chairman of luo council of elders has been overturned.

The Siaya High Court Judge Justice Daniel Ogembo has issued a conservatory order nullifying the election of Mzee Odungi Randa as the new chairman of the Luo Council of Elders.

The Judge issued the order maintaining the status quo in the leadership of the Luo Council of Elders.

Despite the an earlier court order stopping the dethronement Raila Odinga went ahead with the event and installed a close ally Mzee Odungi Randa as the New chair of Luo Council of Elders.

The Court has ordered the Registrar of Societies to stop any alteration on the register of the Luo Council of Elders.

The court has clarified to Registrar of Societies what status quo means, noting that it halted any changes or interference in and or with the register of the association known as Luo Council of Elders or activities pursuant to the event held on the 30th Day of June 2023 to  July 1, 2023, unless any further orders have been issued to the contrary effect.

The Luo Council of Elders has been engaged in a duel with the Odinga’s demanding the return of billions worth of properties and assets the Odinga family disinherited the Luo Community.

The matter is so hot that even Luo MPs have joined the government to fight for their community.

This comes after the backdrop of unfolding events where Mzee Nyandiko Ongandi had warned luo youths not to participate in the ongoing anti government protests marking today’s Saba Saba Countrywide demonstrations

Ongandi, asked why youths from other parts of the country especially Ukambani and Mombasa do not take part in demonstrations yet their leaders pretend being members of the opposition

This narrative angered the opposition leader and moved in speed in Kisumu to restore normalcy which has been thwarted by the system

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