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Kenyans have an unquenchable appetite for raw political rhetoric emanated by the political class, bureaucrats, churches, lopsided media stations (owned by the very political class) and commoners deprived of cash handouts reminiscent of the moi-era days.

Walk into any social media forums, garages, ghettos and even conferences spearheaded by professionals etc., it is the same trajectory-political rhetoric devoid of any semblance of intellectual spill.

Kenyans are aligned to brick and mortar. Benevolent dictatorship can cure many of the ills bedeviling the country.

Look at the expensive cost of government projects because of collusion by public officers.

All Kenyans are potential thieves, murderers & looters. Count yourself lucky if you’re not in that category, only by the mere fact that an opportunity to steal, kill or loot has not presented itself, your way.

Let us examine of the so-called ‘Midnight Rule’ ; If the sun appeared suddenly at midnight, will you be found by the sudden appearance as a night runner, in a brothel, in the Red-Light District ?

Variations in Government Projects are killing this country. The Procurement Officers settle for the lowest bidder. Then suddenly the lowest bidder after the award, is allowed several variations in the contract or project. For instance, look at the Kilifi College project. 2.3B shillings at its inception then the cost skyrocketed to 8.5B shillings. By the time the building stalled, the consultants had been paid over 5.1B shillings.

Who is supposed to be paid more? The consultant or work done?

Who knows the cost of Arrow Kimwarrer Dam? How many Billions of shillings swindled for no-work done? NYS I & II? Eurobond I & II ?

Mind-boggling corruption.

“ If your hut is naked, even that non-poisonous snake will find solace, come and lounge in the hut”.

A Kenyan can sell you in the name of Chinese. No patriotism. Behind every Chinese contractor in Kenya, there lurks very powerful forces.

Many of our leaders espouse elitism but they are not educated.

In Kenya, we are all captive of bad politics and enthuse “stupid courage”.

We are guilty of franchising our right to vote by letting the damsels toy with our stupid courage!

Disclaimer: This article is expressly the opinion of the state legal counsel and not in any way thoughts, wordings, and opinions of Safi News.