President Ruto calls for regularization of churches

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Collection of 39 bodies exhumed from Shakahola forest owned by Pastor Paul Mackenzie of Good News International Church in Kilifi County. Photo|Safi News

President William Ruto has termed Kilifi based Preacher paul Mackenzie as a criminal and terrorists featuring s pastor running the Christian fellowship

The Head of State, categorically called for the prosecution of Mr Mackenzie over the deaths of several of his followers whose bodies were discovered buried at Shakahola Forest in Kilifi.

Speaking during the Prison Officers Pass Out Parade on Monday, April 24, Dr Ruto noted that the pastor was a terrorist who ordered Kenyans to do acts contrary to the tenets of the Constitution.

The Head of State further condemned religious groups that asked Kenyans to refrain from going to the hospital when sick or prohibited children from going to school.

“Look out for those who want to abuse even the religious sector by masquerading as religious people yet what they do is contrary to the teachings and to the beliefs of the religion whether they are Christians, Muslims or any other religion.

“What we are seeing in Kilifi, Shakahola, is akin to terrorism. There is no difference between Mr Mackenzie who pretends and postures as a pastor when in fact he is a terrible criminal. Terrorists use religion to advance their heinous acts. People like Mr Mackenzie are using religion to do exactly the same thing,” he stated

President, therefore, directed security agencies, including the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), to carry out thorough investigations against pastors abusing their place in religion to commit heinous acts.

“I want to say that I have instructed the agencies responsible to take up the matter and to get to the root course and to the bottom of the people who want to use religion to advance weird unacceptable ideology in the Republic of Kenya that is coursing unnecessary loss to innocent lives,’’. He added

Disturbing revelations is that 59 bodies have so far been exhumed from the Shakahola death massacre as per the updates from the Director of Criminal Investigations Mr Japhet Koome

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