Parliament considers banning Tiktok in Kenya

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National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula confirmed the petition from Bridget Connect Consultancy CEO Bob Ndolo had been tabled in parliament

Registering his displeasure on the platform, Kimini MP Didmus Baraza urged Ministry of ICT to set standards on the use of Tiktok and other peculiar upcoming social media platforms

The Petition was forwarded to the departmental committee on public petitions chaired by Kitui East MP Nimrod Mbai

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula acknowledged the receipt of a petition challenging parliament to consider banning Tiktok

The petition attracted legislators taking on the floor of the House, with Kimilili Member of Parliament Didmus Baraza, categorically demanding Tiktok be banned from being used in Kenya over social decadence

The petition which was tabled on Tuesday 15th, sought Parliament to push relevant bodies or comes up with stringent regulatory policy to streamline the use of social media platforms that has led to decay

“Mr Speaker, the owners of Tiktok must be aware that the platform is destroying our morals. small girls are shooting themselves naked so that they can attract more following.

As our country, Ministry of Information Communication and Technology as well as other relevant agencies must bring sanity lest we shall end up having rotten society,” Baraza petitioned

He further noted that the owners of the platform should have put some restrictions over a certain age so to protect the exploitation of the minors

The petition was presented to the House on Tuesday and referred to the Petitions Committee

The said social media platform, since it’s inception, has attracted over 2.5 billion internet users worldwide, those with huge following doing funny stuffs more so related to sexuality

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula announced on Tuesday that Bridget Connect Consultancy CEO Bob Ndolo has presented the petition due to content on the platform. 

According to the petitioner, the social media platform is promoting explicit sexual content, vulgar language, violence, immorality and other offensive misdeeds among the youth

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