Penina Malonza Helps KICUSA Raise Funds for Water Tanks, Dismisses Misuse Claims

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Kitui County Women have come out gun blazing defending the image of former CS Peninà Malonza from the paid social media influencers

The women have distanced claims that there were misappropriations of funds raised for saccos to aid in purchase of water tanks to alleviate effects of droughts management

Over 700 women drawn from Kitui County are set to benefit from water tanks following the initiative which was started by the former Cabinet Secretary Penina Malonza

The initiative which was established in a bid to address the perennial water scarcity which has plagued many parts of Ukambani is aimed to harvest and store water during the rainy seasons

Responding to allegations from hired social media influencers paid by certain politicians to tarnish the image of the immediate CS, the women have dismissed claims that their funds were stolen

According to the Chairperson of the Kitui County Union of Savings and Credit Association Sacco [KICUSA], Gladys Julius, has dismissed claims that Ksh. 8 million was raised through a harambee led by former Cabinet Secretary Penina Malonza in February this year.

She clarified that only Ksh. 5.8 million was collected, and the funds are specifically designated to help women purchase water tanks to alleviate water scarcity.

Further, responding to the same allegations, Julius stressed that the misinformation being spread is both misleading and unfounded.

The initiative, which aims to tackle the persistent water shortage in Kitui County, will benefit approximately 700 women, enabling them to harvest and store rainwater during the rainy season.

According to Julius, this effort is vital for the women who face constant water supply challenges, and it will significantly improve their daily lives. Hon. Malonza’s involvement in the fundraiser was purely as a member of Malyamu Sacco, and she holds no official role or financial stake in KICUSA.

Despite Malonza’s genuine efforts, political rivals have targeted her with a smear campaign, falsely accusing her of misappropriating the funds. These baseless claims appear to be part of a broader attempt to discredit the former CS.

All funds from the harambee were deposited into KICUSA’s official account, which is managed independently of any individual, including Malonza. Mr. Musyoka Kavukua, the union’s secretary, confirmed that the funds would be used solely for purchasing water tanks, as intended.

The union plans to begin distributing the tanks on September 14, adhering to its commitment to the women of Kitui.

Each woman will contribute Ksh. 10,000, and KICUSA will cover the remaining cost to purchase a 2,500-litre tank. However, internal disputes have arisen, with some members accused of attempting to redirect the funds towards training programs that were never agreed upon.

The tensions culminated in a meeting on August 19, where members demanded accountability and intervention from Kitui County Commissioner Kipchumba Rutto to investigate the alleged misuse.

Gladys Julius also expressed her gratitude to Hon. Penina Malonza for her role in reviving KICUSA. She praised Malonza’s commitment and leadership, which have breathed new life into the union and energized the women’s efforts to address the water scarcity challenges facing their communities.

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