Majority of Kenyans supported Gachagua’s ouster bid

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Photo image of embattled Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya, H.E Rigathi Gachagua. File

As the National Assembly prepares to decide on Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s political future, a recent public participation exercise indicates that a significant number of Kenyans who participated in it support the motion for his impeachment.

A document presented in the National Assembly on Tuesday by Suba South MP Millie Odhiambo, who is also the Minority Whip, revealed that out of 116,269 Kenyans who participated, 65.1 per cent favoured Gachagua’s ouster, while 33.81 per cent opposed it.

In the diaspora the report shows that out of ten Kenyans who voted four Kenyans in supported the impeachment, four opposed while two gave other responses while in the category of others (who did not fill forms), out of the 1881 Kenyans, 421 Kenyans supported the motion representing 23.38 percent while 915 Kenyans representing 48.64 supported the motion.


The report however shows a discrepancy in some of the responses as it shows that in Keiyo south although 43 people took part in the exercise, it indicated that 70 residents voted in support of the impeachment and 1 opposed it.

While tabling the report, Odhiambo told the lawmakers that there was low turnout in some constituencies due to insecurity, such as Bura.

She disclosed that there was there was political interference at public forums such as Bomas of Kenya and Muranga as well as  violent disruptions in areas such as Ol Kalou, Kipipiri and Nyeri Town where officers were forced to declare results prematurely.

She said: “Public expectation for monetary compensation for participation was also experienced. There was late submission of forms and memorandum in some instances, there were threats of violence towards officers and inappropriate language in some email’s submissions.”

And added: “I wish to note on my own behalf that on quasi-judicial proceedings like this, public participation is not really necessary, even though the courts have pronounced that they are. In my view, they are not actually necessary in quasi judicial processes like this because it’s almost like saying that the Judiciary needs public participation in making their decision.”

Views on the impeachment motion were submitted in the form of written submissions and memoranda at all the 290 constituencies.

The public participation was conducted on Friday and Saturday last week but the National Assembly extended the execise to surtadau by a day after the  High Court directed the House to organise another round of the exercise in all constituencies.

The ruling by the court came after a  a petition was filed by Muge Law Advocates on behalf of Kirinyaga Woman Representative Jane Njeri Maina.

The public participation exercise saw Kenyans censuring the government where they insisted that Gachagua should be ousted together with President William Ruto.

The report comes just a day after TIFA in its opinion poll said that 41 percent of Kenyans support the impeachment motion while 38 percent of Kenyans largely from Mount Kenya region opposed the motion.

The polls show that 69 percent of Kenyans in Mt. Kenya opposed the impeachment motion, 20 percent support it while 47 percent support the motion in other regions compared to 28 percent who are against it.

With regards to how the constituencies voted, Kipipiri constituency had the highest percentage of those who opposed the impeachment at 98.76 per cent

The constituencies that opposed the Gachagua’s removal include Mathira constituencies where he served as MP as 5,598 Kenyans opposed his ouster in Gilgil 1,002 representing 97 percent opposed the motion, in Kigumo 4,754 Kenyans representing 95 percent opposed the motion and in Kinangop 708 Kenyans representing 96 percent opposed the motion.

The other constituencies that had overwhelming support in favor of Gachagua include Kitui Rural where 405 Kenyans representing 94 percent voted against Gachagua’s ouster, in Maragua constituency 4181 representing 97 percent, in Mukurweini 2,884 representing 97 percent, in Naivasha 2380 representing 95 percent and in Ol Kalou 951 Kenyans representing 95 percent.

Among the constituencies that voted overwhelmingly, in favor of his ouster include Balambala with 313 votes, Daadab (305), Fafi (121), Kirinyaga Central (120), Kuresoi North (39), Lafey (247), Magarini (I45), Mandera South (102) and Mogotio (454).

the other counties that recorded 99 percent in favor of the motion includes Kibwezi West which is home to the mover of the motion Mwengi Mutuse where 501 Kenyans supported it, in Kinango 102 Kenyans voted in favour of the motion, in Konoin (502), Lamu East (542), Likoni (824) and Likuyani (362), Bondo with 317 votes, Butere (370), Ijara (230),

Others are Mandera East (376), Mandera Noth (391), Mt. Elgon (388), Mumias West (503), Sirisia (426), Tarbaj (124), Taty (373) Tongaren (148).

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