ODM Youth League supports Raila’s position for dialogue

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The Orange Democratic Movement Youth League have supported party leader’s position for the GenZs to come to the negotiating table with the President William Ruto since he has bowed to the pressure 

Speaking on Thursday 11th July at Tulip Hotel, the young turks emphasised that Odinga’s position on national dialogue and unity should be misinterpreted wrongly since he’s always been at the fore front fighting for democracy 

In a joint statement that was read to journalists, the section acknowledged divergent views from other Azimio principals, noting that they are entitled to make their opinion about the current crisis that has seen President William Ruto make raft of changes

“We support Baba’s call for national conversation because we believe issues should be discussed on policies and strategies not going to streets. We have been there and we know what it feels but we if we are forced to, we shall return there.

Baba has never betrayed and lied to public and we think whatever he said is the best for the country whenever is in turmoil, by stating of national dialogue, it’s clear demonstrations that the country is at crossroads and he needs peace to prevail,” a statement read.

On his part John Mukoya stated that Raila put the country above the party lines after admitting that the GenZs have technically challenged the formation 

“We don’t have to shed more blood and continue paralyzing the country while we can come together as nationals and have our differences discussed and  addressed.

Destabilizing the economy and allowing some people with bad intentions loot people’s properties is not the way to go, thus why Raila has come to urge we GenZs to accept dialogue,” Mukoya stated 

He further requested other leaders in opposition particularly wiper boss Kalonzo Musyoka, Martha Karua, Eugene Wamalwa to give their best advise instead of distancing themselves from the position taken by their party leader, whom was not in anyway silencing them

Panadol Ole refuted claims of ODM leader Raila Odinga being appointed as official opposition leader in the government, however, opening the space for speculations by stating that if there will be any plans, he [Raila] will call his co-principals and make them aware 

“Baba has always been transparent, he has fought for this country many years and we don’t think there’s sinister motive in him. What Baba can see in the ocean no youth can see while at the top of Mount Kenya,” Panadol stated 

Immediately after their statement, President William Ruto dissolved his entire Cabinet leaving only Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia, after admitting that he’s listened to the demands of Kenyans and what they need

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