At least 28 opposition MPs including Babu Owino, Jalas, Otiende Amolo dewhipped

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Nairobi Women Rep Esther Passaris, Langata MP Felix Odiwour alias Jalang’o and Embakasi East MP Babu Owino face disciplinary action to be meted against them by ODM party

At least 28 ODM Members of Parliament including the vocal Embakasi East MP Babu Owino and Rarienda counterpart Otiende Amolo are facing deregistration from the party 

According to Orange Democratic Movement, Secretary General Edwin Sifuna is that the party has since written a show-cause letter for disciplinary action against the legislators who betrayed the party position on controversial Finance Bill, 2023

The ODM has labelled those legislators with indelible mark for their yesterday’s  conduct during the passage of the pro-Ruto taxation bill

Some of the legislators including Gem MP Elisha Odhiambo, Caroli Omondi,  Omboko Milemba and Esther Passaris among others voted Yes to the Finance Bill, 2023 contrary to the position of their party leader 

What came as shocker is that Babu Owino attended the morning session together with Otiende Amolo but they were nowhere to be found during the voting which has angered the top brass

A good Professor, Funyula MP Wilberforce Oundo Ojiambo and Awendo’s counterpart John Walter Owino did not show up in the heated evening session that sailed through,  Finance Bill, 2023 with Kenya Kwanza carrying the day by 176 MPS 

Langata Member of Parliament Felix Odiwour, rib cracker, who has been warned several times of promoting Kenya Kwanza ideologies Felix Odiwour alias Jalang’o is topping the list of ODM rebels deserving harsh punishment

Interestingly Wiper Democratic Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka’s lieutenants also played secretive exercise by disappearing in the evening session during the open ballot voting at the National Assembly 

Mumias East Member of Parliament who is allied to Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition from the Eugene Wamalwa’s  DPK party disappeared in the thin air after pretending all day long that he will vote BIG NO!

Matungulu Member of Parliament Stephen Mule, Mavoko counterpart who doubles as Parliamentary Service Commissioner Patrick Makau King’ola and Kitui Woman Representative Dr Irene Kasalu were also absent 

Tindi Mwale of Butere who has always defended Mr Odinga on the ground, reduced the number of naysayers after also being absent during the crucial moment when the hour of need was beckoning  

This behaviour has angered opposition Leader Raila Odinga as well as Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi and his Deputy Minority Leader Robert Mbui who had put up the spirited fight as well as lobbying to KK legislators to shoot down the Finance Bill, 2023

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