ODM Party Brands Four Nominated CSs As Selfish

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Saboti MP Caleb Amisi leads onslaught against the four ODM leaders who were nominated by President William Ruto for CS positions

The four nominated CSs are John Mbadi [Finance], Opiyo Wandayi [Energy and Petroleum], Hassan Joho [Mining, Blue Economy and Fisheries] and Wycliffe Oparanya for Cooperatives and MSMEs

Section of ODM MPs now wants Party Leader Raila Odinga to replace the nominated leaders for CS position because justice for the victims of police brutality hasn’t been served.

Speaking outside Parliament Buildings on Thursday 25th July, led by Saboti lawmaker Caleb Amisi, the legislators said four nominated leaders from their party do not have blessings of the party leader since there were no formal agreement to pick them.

“The raiding of Kenya Kwanza Administration to pick ODM leaders shouldn’t be misconstrued. It’s a political strategic for Ruto’s re-election come 2027 and we as ODM we shall keep offering checks and balance to his government. At no time during the said meetings was it resolved that either the party or the coalition would be joining a coalition with William Ruto’s KK Party,” Amisi disclosed

Lugari legislator Nabii Nabwera pointed out that if anything President Ruto wanted to opposition leaders should have done so in consultations with all co-principals but not by surprise

“We want to make clear that many of us if not all of us here were present during both the ODM and Azimio PG held on the 12th of July 2024 at the Jaramogi Foundation in Nairobi

It therefore came as a shock when senior members of ODM showed up on a list of cabinet appointees announced by Ruto yesterday,” Part of the statement read.

They agitated that some of their leaders have chosen to join a government indicted by the Kenyan people- reflects badly on a party that has always advocated for and stood with the people.

“We have all along maintained support for the ongoing struggle to address the longstanding governance issues bedeviling Kenya and are appalled that we are now seen to be joining forces with the people responsible for these issues.

To make it worse, the appointments do not reflect the diversity of the party we love as there clearly was no regard to gender, age or regional considerations,” Funyula MP Dr Oundo Mudenyo read a riot act

“We wish to reiterate the position of the party as communicated by SG Edwin Sifuna earlier this week that indeed the decision by our four comrades were personal and not a result of any decision of the Party.

We call on the Party leadership to move with speed and replace them within the ranks of the Party and in their Parliamentary positions in order for there to be continuity. We cannot afford any vacuum,” Likuyani MP stated

The lawmakers notified the four comrades whom have defected the party to expect a robust and thorough interrogation of their suitability and competence to occupy the positions they negotiated for themselves, during the process of vetting in Parliament.

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