It has emerged that a quite number of nurses are withdrawing from Kenya National Union of Nurses following the antics and theatrics of their Secretary General Seth Panyako
Nurses across the country have expressed mixed reaction and dismay over Panyako’s open personal differences with the President William Ruto over the Finance Bill, 2023 and other unreasonable demands he’s been seeking from the later. The nurses say his demands are personal and selfish, and have nothing to do with their interests.
Responding the morass, surrounding the once philosophical and reputable union, former president of national nurses association, bluff Mr Alfred Obengo, has noted that Panyako’s deep avarice for unlimited power has killed nurses’ dream in their union.
“You have betrayed the nurses of Kenya, Nurses had so much faith and hope in KNU. As you give us unsolicited lectures, remember you’ve refused to hold any credible elections at KNUN for the last eight years. The nurses are tired of you,’’ Obengo wrote in an open letter breathing fire to Seth Panyako.
Not mincing his words, Obengo has ordered Panyako to vacate the office now and give other people an opportunity who have the interests of nurses in heart to lead
“You are the sole reason why nurses are quitting their UNION. Do you think they are happy to quit a Union they once cherished? He questioned.
Mr Obengo wondered how Panyako can ruin the union that the nurses built with their own sweat, blood and resources
“Do you think they are happy when they see you ruin their once powerful trade union? He added
He further told him [Panyako] that, he has betrayed the trust that nurses had accorded him with continued insults to their collective intelligentsia.
“Seth Kuka Panyako, your shelf life is over. I offer to induct you for free on how to survive out here. Out here isn’t that bad. Don’t be scared. Karibu.,’’ the letter read as he winded it up