Thousands of Nurses have announced joining striking Doctors every Tuesday to call exit for Seth Panyako
They also vows of paralyzing some services if he won’t step down and pave way for new leadership
Thousands of Members drawn from Kenya National Union of Nurses have issued a warning call to the embattled Secretary General Seth Panyako
Accompanying their counterparts members from Kenya Medical Pharmacists and Dentist Union at Afya House, Nurses were chanting that Panyako must go and leave nurses
They were carrying placards and billboards in bold letters writen, “Nurses are Tired, Panyako Must Go,” where they put spirited fight even jumbing on people’s private cars expressing their anger and frustrations inflicted by Mr Panyako who turned to be politician
“If Panyako is nice leader why there’s so much withdrawal from the union and his luminaries are feeling threatened of us,” one nurse charged
In another pushes, other nurses from Kakamega region demanded ouster to Mr Panyako warning him of dire consequences should he not voluntarily resign
“We shall not be intimidated. We shall not relent. We are not turning back,” They wrote in their placards
Additionally, in a candid conversation with safinews.co.ke, the former chair to National Nurse’s Association of Kenya [NNAK] Alfred Obengo stated categorically that they will be joining their colleagues doctors in every Tuesday at Afya House to demand Panyako’s ouster bid
“We are draining the swamp and sending you home. You are an old wine in an old wine skin. Same propaganda. Same toxicity. Same lies. Same narrative. Same malice,” Obengo’s open letter to embattled SG
He warned him that nurses shall not allow him to ruin more nurses by poor leadership and negligence to address their working condition as well as industrial labour relations with the government
“We shall not allow you to ruin our profession. Stop sending fellow goons, including members of your family to our inbox with lies and insults.
We know they are on knun’s payroll being paid by our money. We know our money is being used to fight us,” he remarked
They vowed to rally behind all other nurses so to continue exiting from KNUN as they hold weekly Friday one minute silence of prayers to condition panyako to stop exploiting and subjecting Kenyan nurses to further suffering..
They resoluted of disowning panyakk as their spokesperson.