Ngilu accuses Kalonzo for infiltration in county govts

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Kitui Governor Kaluki Ngilu at Kyangwithya East Ward in Kitui Central Sub-County on Saturday 30th April, 2022. Photo Source|Governor’s Press
  • Ngilu has accused Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka for frustrating county assemblies in Ukambani
  • She alleges that service delivery has been affected in all Ukambani counties following Kalonzo’s pressure
  • The Kitui county boss sought electorates to vote in leaders based on scorecard development not political parties

Governor Charity Ngilu has urged the Kitui electorate to vote for leaders based on their development record as opposed to political parties.

She accused Wiper Party of using its numerical muscles in Ukambani county assemblies to frustrate service delivery to the resident as witnessed in Kitui and Makueni.

“Wiper MCAs have over the years used the majority numbers to blackmail Ukambani governors thereby derailing development. We cannot afford such a scenario going forward,” the governor lamented.

“I urge you to gauge those seeking elective seats based on their commitment to serve the electorate not party loyalty or bravado. A leader who settles political scores at the expense of voters should not be elected into any office,” added the county chief.

She was addressing mourners during a funeral ceremony for the late Mary Kanai Wambua at Mathitu village, Kyangwithya East Ward in Kitui Central Sub-County.

Ngilu emphasized that time for party politics was over noting that the forthcoming general election must be about bettering people’s livelihoods not party popularity.

She mourned the late as a reliable, loving and kindhearted person whose demise leaves a profound emptiness on everybody whose life she touched.