Musango Makonge to fly Senatorial Flag Alone from Mwingi Region

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Big blow to senator candidate from Mwingi North as Beth Syengo Kalunda from Ngomeni Nominated as ODM party Senator

Residents from the area have congratulated her and shifted their support to the incoming Kitui County senators Stephen Kyalo Musango Makonge

“We are happy of her, now that she’s been promised another national position, let’s shift to another aspiring youthful leader.

There’s no way Kitui People can allow an elected Senator from Mwingi North and Nominated Senator (ODM Mwingi North – Beth Syengo Kalunda),” Mutinda Mwengi noted.

They have also revealed to, that Nyamu Mati who is seeking senatorial position in Kitui County is a brother to former Mwingi North Member of Parliament Major John Munuve Mati

“Kitui county has been blessed with leaders but there’s no way same constituency, same home can produce two senators and MP. Mwingi Elders have settled on Senator Stephen Kyalo Musango Makonge to fly the Mwingi and Kitui Senatorial flag,” Another elder by the name Mwambua Mulinge maintained

Julius Mutukaa who is also sourcing for senator position in Kitui county has been told to pull out of the race due to his close association with the outgoing Governor Kaluki Ngilu

“He seems to be a project who could be used to protect the evils and coverup past issues with outgoing governor. He was told to focus on his schools and advised to build more schools in all constituencies,” Disclosed Jane Mutisya

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