Mwingi Central Member of Parliament Dr Gideon Mulyungi has demanded total overhaul of the Kenya Meteorological Department for lying to Kenyans that there will be El-nino in the year 2023/2024
In an exclusive interview with safinews.co.ke at Parliament Buildings, on Tuesday 24th October, Mulyungi urged President William Ruto to disband the said department if he really means well for Kenyans
“Tunataka kujua pesa ambayo ilikuwa imetengwa ya El-nino Bilioni 5 zilienda wapi? Inaweza kuwa hii ni njia mojawapo ya wizi! (We want to know the amount allocated for El-nino preparedness amounting to Sh5 Billion where did it go, it might be this is another conduit to siphon public funds through hatched conmanship? Dr Mulyungi observed
The vocal legislator from kamba land agitated that kenyans have been taken for a ride for a long time and they must call things in order
“Watu walikuwa wametayarisha mashamba yao, walikuwa wamenunua bengu, walikuwa wamejipanga then mnasema hakuna mvua,” (farmers had prepared their shambas ready for plantation, little did they know it was just another ploy in waiting by the meteorological department) he agitated
He pointed out to the President that if he don’t crack the whip by disbanding the said department and replace with competent individuals, then he will not be taken serious by Kenyans
“We saw President saying meta department has downscaled their predictions, what is downscaling, we don’t know those terms, tell us whether there’s El-nino or not,” he pointed
Mulyungi further has called all county governments to explain to constituents how they have utilized the amounts allocated for El-nino preparedness
“We saw Nairobi County Government employing 2000 people as preparations for the long rains but other counties have done nothing so it’s good to let Kenyans know what they have done with the budget,” he asked
According to meteos predictions, lobg rains running until July next year were expected to start pounding in the country on 15th October, something which has not been the caseOn austerity measures, the vocal legislator from Ukambani region, urged the presidency to reduce the number of fleet and the whole contingent of ministers when he’s launching projects
Mulyungi reminded the President that he can only be accompanied by the relevant Cabinet Minister and few official in the same department instead of travelling with the huge governement machinery
“There’s a lot of wastage in the government, the monies spent fueling all these vehicles and facilitating irrelevant officials could be used in cautioning the high cost of living because people are dying of hunger and high taxation rate,” Mulyungi stated This comes barely two days after President in a shocking revelations told Kenyans that there’s no El-nino contrary to what he had declared before