Mutha MCA Dominic Mwamisi’s Adversaries Ruminates Suicide Without Assassination

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Mutha MCA Dominic Mwamisi in partnership with Kitui Senator Enock Kiio’s Foundation and AIC ZIWANI CHURCH donating food to all primary schools in Mutha Ward.Photo|Dominic| 

Since independence, Mutha people have witnessed kind of marginalization, social-disintegration, political alienation and duplicities, poor representation, downtrodden and blackmail from whoever they pick to represent them

But in unprecedented move since dispensation of the devolved units- a little known young man from an humble background who seems to be social, humble, generous, kind, visionary, development conscious, responsible, accountable and transparent-if anything to go by what anecdotes edicts  

The Incumbent Mutha Ward Member of County Assembly Dominic Ishmael Mwamisi, the name which is prominently featuring in the national televisions, radios and newspapers unlike previous regimes is conspicuously giving potential opponents and back-biters sleepless nights

An American retired politician, John Boehner once said, `I always believe when your political opponents are committing suicide, there’s no reason to murder them,’’.

According to my in depth research-this might be the tactical operational for them (criticizers and their potential atriums) a ride for their miscalculated political strategies

It will require a voluminous strategic book in their library and going back to the drawing board will only salvage their political oblivion-if at all they would wish to resuscitate their leadership trajectory       

As Henry Fayol pointed out on principles of management that leadership needs incorporation or inclusion of all teams-none lesser-never overlook some-for everyone plays or will play critical role in the growth of your company

This man, crows from the rooftop of thatched ‘Kaatene’ huts to State House-asking President William Ruto to address over the grave threats that radical camel herders-the notorious pastoralists from neighboring counties have posed to our security and way of life since immemorial

Mutha MCA Hon. Dominic Mwamisi attending the burial of the late Senior Citizen Augustus Mwangangi Kilai.. Kyangoto village,Kaatene where he called President William Ruto to act swiftly in ending skirmishes by camel herders. Photo|Standard|

Apart from applications of traditional methods by the late iconic Mangw’ii wa Nzioni who used to chase away cattle herders in an invisible combat, none of the occupant (politician) has ever escalated the insecurity menace to the national limelight

Due to mounting pressure to the national government, this saw, Members of Parliament led by Kitui County Senator Enock Kiio  Wambua demand for National Police Reservists to be deployed in Mutha Ward where they were granted about 52 NPRS to patrol and provide security to locals 

Without mincing his promises, Mwamisi’s first engagement after election caught many in surprise after fueling his private car all the way to Safaricom house in Nairobi’s westlands building and driving back to Kibwezi to address network connectivity in the area which has always been unavailable for decades

He later, met Safaricom Public Limited Company [PLC] officials from Lower Eastern Region at Kibwezi to push for the modalities on how they will partner with the county government and his office in constructing network connectivity booster at Mutha Hill and its environs  

To former Councilors, MCAs and recently defeated aspirants, they distanced themselves from the network responsibility initiative citing that it does not fall to their purview-they could only convince uninformed mass   

As if that is not enough, the vibrant politician who is locally commonly known as ‘Ndawa’ moved in speed to address perennial human-wildlife conflict that has in the recent years been a disaster over invading of farms and attacking residents

He, reported the pains, anguish and losses inflicted by the wild animals to the residents of Mutha Ward especially Syamatani and Ndakani to Kenya Wildlife Service offices at Mutomo whom they are now working on compensatory budgets to the victims

“Ndithinw’a ni aithi ma ngamila na ngathinw’a ni malai na nyamu sya kithika- I cannot be troubled by the camel herders and be perturbed by the baboons and wild animals,’’ he posted in his social media account, setting an example of a responsible leader

In his maiden speech on the floor of the county assembly, Mr Mwamisi sought the current administration led by H.E Dr Julius Makau Malombe to raise more resources for Mutha people where he managed to bag Ksh 10 Million for CLIDP in the 2023/2024 financial year

Mutha MCA receiving bicycles donations from Green Africa Foundation led by Dr Isaac Kalua Green in partnership with Australian Embassy to ease the residents from long trekking for basic needs. Photo|File|UGC

What others failed to do over jealous and three common kamba vices, he is above reproach, filled with humanitarian heart and in exercise of the powers bestowed on him-pitied a young boy who fell on ground picking wild fruits for food and approached Kitui Senator Enock Wambua Kiio

The incident went virility on social media platforms as majority of the families residing within Mutha Ward are ensnared by abject poverty due to insufficient rains and poor economic practicability

These waging unfavorable conditions and other inevitable factors including poor representation from the past-has made it difficult for the area to grow economically-all eyes now looking at this little known and viable man from syaamatani who fears nothing to speak of his mind    

Mr Kiio, who is a Journalist by profession, a staunch Christian rather than modern day charlatans, serving his second term mobilized relief food from his Nairobi based AIC Church at Ziwani to donate to hunger stricken residents of Mutha Ward

“After highlighting the hunger situations in Mitaani area, Today Rafiki responded to our cry by donating maize floor to needy families. I want to thank Senator Kiio foundation for the support. Christmas comes early and handy,” He posted in the WhatsApp group.

Mutha MCA Dominic Mwamisi after highlighting the Case of Martin Maithya  with Hon. Senator Enock Kiio receiving free maize flour as a donations from Rafiki Microfinance Bank at KICC. A boy had fallen from a tree while picking wild leaves (Mukauwu) for food from Ngaani area,mitaani. Photo|Mwamisi|

Loved in equal measures by Mathima/Mutha people, many of whom he says campaigned and supported contrary-acknowledges the change that we have all-unanimously been advocating for our people

“True leadership will not be measured by the ability to muzzle dissent, or to intimidate and harass political opponents at home. The people of the world want change. They will not long tolerate those who are on the wrong side of history.” Former POTUS Barrack Obama quoted.    

Less than a quarter of his term, ‘Ndawa’ has trickled down people-oriented services among them rehabilitation of Mathima and Musila boreholes which has been dysfunctional for several years

He recently convened a meeting by National Cohesion and Integration Commission, Mutomo sub county security team, Deputy County Commissioner and Kitui County Community Peace Dialogue to chat way forward on restoring peace and tranquility for the hitherto area

Mutha Ward Member of County Assembly Hon. Dominic Mwamisi attending Kitui County Community Peace and Dialogue Meeting at Mutha Shopping Centre accompanied by DCC, Mutomo Sub County, security team and National Cohesion and Integration Commission of Kenya [NCIC] Chaired by Rev Paul Kobia.Photo|File

The vocal leader has already proposed the national government to consider recruiting local game rangers who will patrol Tsavo East National Park to keep marrounding big five in their protected areas

Unlike his predecessors, Mr Mwamisi has always been seen accompanying other elected leaders and attending social events including burials and churches instead of disappearing from their voters

Mutha MCA Hon. Dominic Mwamisi flanks other elected leaders to pay courtesy visit to Tourism CS Peninah Malonza where he sought compensation of the human-wildlife victims. Photo|Joshua Muimi|

“Juzi Mheshimiwa kindiki ambaye ni waziri wa usalama alifika pande hii na akasema hana maneno na kufikia dakika hii tunasikia bado kuna ngamia na milio ya risasi na kuna watu wamejificha huko ama ni wale waalivu wamejificha huko tunaka kujua, who is protecting these criminals,’’ Mwamisi made this bold statement attending a burial   

The assertions were downplayed by Tseikuru Ward OCPD Charles Kibathi that nothing like that will happen because government was/is taking charge of Mwingi North Game Reserve known as National Park  

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