- Malombe was received by thousands of supporters from across Kaanziko and Mutha Wards in Kitui South
- His message was received loud and clear that he will resume the projects he’d started starting from addressing water shortage, employment and empowerment
- Majority of Ngilu’s and Musila’s diehards supporters defected them including Mr Lungosi and Mr Musyimi and joined the winning team
Kitui Wiper Gubernatorial Candidate Julius Malombe has today received political boost after thousands of Mutha Ward residents unanimously endorsed him to resume over Kitui leadership
Speaking at Kaatane and Kalambani markets in Mutha on Thursday 14th July, Malombe’s message was centred on devolution as the key to the county’s transformation and prosperity.
He noted that he will strive to deliver development to mwananchi once elected into office as well as rekindling the shuttered hopes of Kitui people

“I understand the myriad of challenges you face starting from droughts and insecurity, we had banked on bringing fresh water from our first mega water project from river tiva and that was not prioritised by the current regime.
We shall revisit as well settle insecurity menace once and for all because you need a leader who connects with you, understands your history and who can sympathize with you!
Dr. Malombe comes with ideas that will impact your lives for good,” Malombe’s message was received loud and clear
Malombe who was accompanied by the area Member of County Assembly Anthony John were received in ululation by the supporters singing songs and chanting their political nicknames, “kyuma mwene, malombe tosha na kalasinga,” they chanted

On his part, Anthony Maingi John promised to continue his development agenda in Mutha Ward as well finishing the incomplete projects which had been stalled following bitter relationship with the Kitui County Executive
At Mathima market, over three thousands voters swayed on Malombe recounting how the sufferings the outgoing Governor Kaluki Ngilu has inflicted on them and her administration
The angry voters were unequivocally that, they can’t elect sympathisers of Ngilu mentioning the former senator David Musila because they would continue torturing and depriving them their developmental rights
Evidently, the retired Ex-KDF Nyamai Musyimi, boldly decamped Ngilu’s camp and toldly rallied all other residents to vote in Dr Malombe come August 9th General Election
“Sincerely speaking, we were told by Mr Kivoto to support Kaluki and we moved to her, but since she got into power, she completely forsaken us.
We want to make a “Mathima declaration” that we will bring you back to the helm of county government and we can take an oath on it, is that true our people? Musyimi questioned mammoth crowd
He also called upon women and youths not to be swayed by other political detractors to forget Malombe on August 9th General Election