Rigathi Gachagua: DP’s woes deepen as Senator files censure motion

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Senator from Coast seeks approval from Speaker to reprimand Gachagua over taking tribal lines

Another Member of Parliament from Kisii urges Gachagua to resign before impeachment

Yesterday, Kimilili MP, warned that Gachagua might celebrate his Christmas as an ordinary citizen

As daggers are drawn following reports of an alleged impeachment motion being prepared against Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, talks continue to roil in different political circles, recently being the Senate which has been far from the debate.

But, now, it seems to be conjoining after a seasoned politician and a senator from far coast region seeks approval from the speaker of the Senate, to officially join their counterparts, MP’s exertion, should they too, bring it on table .

Speaking to Media at Parliament Buildings on Monday 23rd September, Tana River Senator Danson Mungatana, confirmed to have filed a censure motion against the Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua over what he termed as gross misconduct and being an ethnic leader 

Mungatana stated that the conduct of Mr Gachagua, leaves many Kenyans wagging when he clandestinely fights for the interests of only Mt Kenya people, instead of being neutral as it’s enshrined in the constitution 

“The Presidency which comprises of President and Deputy President are symbols of national unity, if the bearer of either office behaves in a manner to show tribalism, then he should be deemed not fit to hold that office,” Mungatana paraphrased.

Mungatana maintained that Gachagua’s fight with the Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja is also wanting, after several incidents where the duo have been caught exchanging in bitter words  

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However, according to Senator Mungatana, the motion will see the light of the day if the Speaker of the Senate Amason Kingi approves it to be tabled on the floor of the House 

“The censure motion means senators will debate about the conduct of Deputy President, it’s not about removing him from office, we shall discuss whether the way he conducts himself is right or not. We shall admonish him by formally discussing whether what he’s been doing is according to the constitution or not.

Anything to do about removing him from office shall come from the National Assembly and then passed to the Senate,” Mungatana elaborated  

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Senator Mungatana who doubles up as a constitutional lawyer described their censure motion as just to show strong disapproval and discontentment over the utterances and the behaviour of the office holder of the Deputy President

On question whether his motion had blessings from President William Ruto as Gachagua claimed that all motions gets nod from President to sail through, Mungatana de-linked his motion with the President stating that he represents the interests of Tana River people who feels disenfranchised by Gachagua’s continued remarks

Elsewhere, Nyaribari Chache Member of Parliament Zaheer Jhanda has asked Gachagua to resign before his impeachment process is initiated in parliament.

Jhanda who belongs to ruling United Democratic Alliance Party, has warned that should the motion of impeaching Gachagua sails through at National Assembly, his chances of survival will be minimal

The position of these leaders from different regions of the country adds up the bitter sour in Gachagua’s bedroom.

Yesterday, Kimilili lawmaker Didmus Baraza warned that Mr Gachagua might celebrate his Christmas as an ordinary citizen if the National Assembly finds it necessary to impeach him

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