Mathare MP Anthony Oluoch calls for civil way of arresting legislators

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  • Mathare MP Anthony Oluoch demands Kenya Kwanza Administration to stop torturing opposition allied MPs
  • Demands Article 43 of constitution on the right to access medical attention by detainees be respected by police
  • Embakasi West MP Mark Mwenje called upon the ruling party to stop deterring other political parties from exercising their democratic rights

Section of Members of Parliament allied to Azimio coalition have demanded the government to drop all court cases relating to MPs and Azimio supporters who were arrested and charged during the anti-government protests 

Speaking at parliament buildings on Wednesday 11th October, the MPS led by Mathare MP Anthony Oluoch said that MPs exercise the sovereign right of the people and there must be a civil way to arrrest them

“Police should present the arrest request through the office of the Speaker, a notice to the member to attend summons at police station, a reminder is given and if not honored an arrest may be done taking into account the Friday arrest rule,” Oluoch stated

He further stated that members of parliament should be given right to advocate, right to emergency medical attention and right to emergency medical assistance 

Giving an account on what happened to him on 20th July, the MP revealed that was arrested by a contingent of over 14 police officers and driven to Kiambu DCI where he was interrogated nine hours and detained incommunicado for over 82 hours with no access to his advocates, family and medical attention 

“It took me having to beg the OCS while on my knees because my sugar levels had dropped for lack of food and my blood pressure had riseb to near catastrophic levels and an asthmatic attack which am disposed to ensued.

Under article 43 of the constitution, a person shall not be denied emergency medical treatment which applies to persons predisposed to certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure, asthma and diabetes,” he emphasised 

Separation of powers and independence of the arms of government 

“The institution of political parties were crafted in the constitution and their activities may it be holding demonstrations is guaranteed in the constitution and should be respected,” Aluoch stated

Aluoch said there is what is called administrative policy so that we don’t end up killing institutions that has brought many legislators in the parliament 

On his part Embakasi West Member of Parliament Mark Mwenje described the move by the ruling party to interfere with the activities of opposition parties as a way of killing democracy

Mwenje told Kenya Kwanza Administration to stop sinister motive of infiltrating other parties since political parties act gives them right to exist

“Political parties do not exist by virtue of executive, they are sponsored by exchequre(taxpayers money) to exercise their constitutional right-therefore opposition remains intact to provide oversight to this government,” National Assembly Deputy Minority Whip Mwenje described

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