Kitui Gubernatorial race heats as the two rival horses Malombe and Musila equal their strength at 40% as undecided voters yet to decide on which side to tip the scales of a tight race.
It is also expected that Governor Charity Ngilu could sway her staunch die-hard supporters to either side she endorses with less than 30 days left to the General Election.
On the senatorial race, the youngest Senator Stephen Kyalo Musango Makonge seems to be fast winning the hearts of majority of voters as he starts to pull a decisive lead ahead of his elderly competitors and seems to be sending incumbent Senator Kiio Wambua to an early retirement.
Wambua has already sensed defeat and is rumoured to have started outsourcing supporters far away from his home turf since the neighbours have left him for Musango

According to people interviewed across all the 40 wards of Kitui county they say the reason to send the current leadership home is because of 5 years of lost development where neither the Governor nor the Senator wanted to take responsibility for the lost years of development and both resorted into a heated exchange of blame games instead of delivering for people of Kitui county.
There is a wave of change sweeping across the county with new young faces expected. All respondents decried the high cost of living and feeling of let down by current leadership.
Residents who spoke to safinews.co.ke on Tuesday 12th July, they said for the last five years Kiio has been in the senate, they have not seen much impact he brought to them in the surroundings
Also, in an exclusive phone interviews voters from Kisasi market have distanced Amani National Congress senatorial candidate in Kitui county Paul Kyalo Mutisya saying that he has not been helpful to them.
“Mutisya has not been campaigning where he comes from, we hear him in other areas but not here at Kisasi, even if you wave at him, he can just leave you without a reciprocal,” Florence said.