Malombe assures residents of banditry-prone Mutha area that their security will be beeped up under his administration
He said that talks are at higher stage between the neighbouring counties of Tana River and Garrisa to end the perennial community clashes
Kitui Governor Dr Julius Malombe has said that talks are ongoing to resolve the protracted insecurity along the Kitui – Tana River border.
Dr Malombe said he was in consultations with his Tana River counterpart Godhana Dhado and security apparatus in the two neighboring counties to facilitate sustainable solutions for the deadly border conflicts.
“Let our people rest assured that we are alive to the security problem and we are working closely with the national government to ensure the matter is dealt with once and for all,” said the County Chief.
He spoke at Kitui County Referral Hospital when he flagged off a Sh.108 million drugs consignment to be distributed to all healthcare facilities across the county.
Governor Malombe further noted the authorities were aware that the search for pasture and water for the camels was the main trigger of violent disputes between herders and Kitui residents inhabiting the border area.
This comes in the wake of last Saturday’s incident in Mutha, Kitui South, in which one person was allegedly hacked to death by suspected camel herders from North Eastern region.
Tension remains high in Mutha as residents call for swift interventions to flush the herdsmen and their animals out of their habitats besides beefing up security.