Kitui Governor Dr. Julius Malombe (EGH) has been accolades by the Kitui East Member of Parliament Nimrod Mbai saying he has done more in just eight months om office
Speaking on Monday 29th May after leading Members of the National Assembly Public Petitions Committee, when they paid him a courtesy call, Mbai reiterated what Malombe has done outweighs five year’s of former governor
“Let me repeat what have said in case you think am out of my senses, Governor you have done much in my constituency for the last eight months compared to former governor what she did in five years.
I know you have best trajectory for the people of Kitui and will endeavour to support you, may God bless you so much for what you are planning to do for our people,” Mbui noted
The two stakeholders’ discussions were anchored on the petition seeking to have Matinga dam rehabilitated in Kitui West Subcounty.
The petition was presented to the Public Petitions Committee of the National Assembly by Kitui West MP Hon. Edith Nyenze
It sought to have the dam rehabilitated at Sh1.3 billion to enhance the communities’ resilience for climate change adaptation with the aim of promoting rehabilitation, conservation and management of ecosystems in the area.
Others present at the meeting were Hon Edith Nyenze, Hon Marwa Maisori, Hon Suzanne Kiamba and officers from the National Water Harvesting and Storage Authority among others.
The meeting agreed the need to collectively source resources from the national government and other stakeholders (donors/ NGOs) to finance the works and ensure the project succeeds.