Is Machakos County Government Run in isolation?
Was Machakos County Security Committee headed by the County Commissioner aware of the unfortunate announcement by County Government of Machakos?
Linking it to business is emotional to the opinion leaders.
These are the questions and concerns Machakos County Oversight Caucus and Hospitality Community is rising.
” It’s unfortunate the announcement made by the county government of Machakos threatens the hospitality industry. Holiday makers will now avoid Machakos as
holiday destination due to the unnecessary announcement”, says Mr.Kioko Oversight Caucus Chair Machakos.
Scientists inform us Cholera is caused by contaminated water, dirt environments and uncollected solid waste and lastly poor latrine systems. ” All these factors exist in Machakos”, says Mr.Kioko.
We have learnt that the solid waste department is not funded as is required.
Funds allocated in the budgets are not availed to the Director Solid Waste. We have learnt that solid waste trucks are parked unserviceable, no waste bin collection points and the entire solid waste machinery is dysfunctional in Machakos.
There used to be a team in green overall that cleaned the towns of Machakos in the former government. These people are not available as witnessed in Katangi market.
Residents claim since Governor Wavinya was elected no collection of waste goes on.

According to hoteliers in Machakos , the announcement will scare holiday makers from visiting Machakos in fear of the announcement.
The hotelier whose name is withheld says the county government of Machakos has failed to create a condusive environment for businesses to thrive. He said visitors has continued to decline and Machakos is nolonger a preferred destination.
Members of the public are calling upon the County Commissioner to intervene and help manage the situation in a more professional manner and ensure solid waste management is actualised.
Mr.Kioko says Governor Wavinya has proved incompetent and calls the people of Machakos to join the call for public protects and petitioning the Governor of Machakos.
He said it was sad state of affairs in Machakos.