Mogotio farmers oppose reopening of donkey abbotior over increased theft of the animals  

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Baringo residents have pleaded with the President William Ruto not to lift the ban on exportation of donkey meat 

The move, has blessings of  Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi-to reopen the trade of donkey meat under disguise of creating employment among the youth was thwarted vividly.

Taking to the streets with placards on Tuesday 20th June, the locals called upon the Baringo County Governor, Benjamin Cheboi, to help them reject the proposals by the government through the agriculture docket 

Majority of them have argued that slaughtering donkeys and setting up a market for the trade will disadvantage them, who use the animal for transportation, in many ways.

“We reject this kind of proposal to slaughter donkeys in our area. We use the animal to fetch water and gather firewood,” one resident lamented calling for the spirited efforts from other departments to spearhead the rejection 

Furthermore, the locals asked the CS to emulate Ethiopia which banned the sale of donkey meat. They complained that if the ban was lifted, the animal would become endangered species  

“Saddened by the CS’s proposal, we ask the government to intervene. Our governor, we did not elect you to open a donkey slaughterhouse in Mogotio,” lamented another resident

“President Willam Ruto, we know you care about the low-income earners. Please do not allow the ban to be lifted,” another resident pleaded with the Head of State

On Saturday, June 17, Linturi hinted at re-introducing the trade to deal with unemployment across the country.

“If lifting the ban will ensure that young people go back to work, then I will make sure that everything possible is done so that they can get employment,” he stated.

He added that the meat can also be exported to other countries and generate revenue for the country.

Linturi emphasised that if the ban is lifted, he would ensure that all measures are taken in accordance with the law to guarantee Kenyans safe meat products

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