Stop Drinking Cheap Beer: I have no problem with having a drink over the weekend for social interaction and networking.
However, when you drink cheap beer, you hang out with cheap people who have cheap ideas and a cheap future.
Big business opportunities are found in places where the drinks are expensive. Infact, in places where they sell cheap beer, the only people you will find there are people who will be asking you for money. They even clap when you come knowing ‘big buyer’ has come…
Leave Naked Women Alone: Yes, those women who dress like they are in the process of undressing but they have not finished. Leave them alone!.
Most of them are up to no good and will only cost you a whole fortune in one weekend.
Instead, get yourself a real woman: There is strength in a real woman.. Not these chics that my friend calls ‘Millennials’.
Get a woman who will not only support
your vision but will also push you to achieve more.
A woman who will inspire you to work hard and not a woman who just makes you hard.
He who finds a real woman finds a good thing and obtains favour and power to create wealth.
Stop being Lazy: “Man ooh Man, why art thou Lazy?” You are too lazy for your own good. You sleep the whole day and
blame the govt for your poverty.
“A Little Sleep, a Little Slumber, poverty shall overtake you like a political cradle in
overalls”. A lot of men are just lazy when it comes to making money.
They have enough energy to give a woman five orgasms, but have no energy to start one organization….that’s why it is so easy for men to manufacture children than it is to make even pegs for putting children’s clothes on the line..
Know Productive Things: You know too much about the Safari Rally, Sportspesa, UEFA, EPL and LaLiga than you know about the Nairobi Stock Exchange and Safaricom Shares…
If you keep too much junk in your head, you get a junk life. I know a lot of men who are so sharp when you are talking about girls, about soccer and about street politics, but bring a topic about investment, innovation
and business, they start looking at their phone, yawning or saying bye..
Useless things, videos and memes go viral fast than constructive things.. A man must know how to do atleast one productive thing (have one skill) even without having gone to college..
Get Connected to Big Men: A lot of men are failing because they are not mentored. They don’t have anyone to whom they
can sit down and listen, with obedience.
In the old days, old men would sit young men down and show them how to hunt
and kill animals… and no man was considered a man enough until he had personally killed an animal… now these men of nowadays are not mentored and can’t even kill a bird..
There are men out there who have made it in life, find a way to get mentored by big men who are making waves….
When it comes to choosing a man the menu is quite brief:-
Build with a builder: price: undertake the painful growth and expansion of your capabilities, and search patiently until you find him. They’re rare but they’re there, not for the chosen few but for the few who choose.
Babysit a bearded boy; price: marrying impatiently based on romance, a baby, a prolonged relationship, or self-imposed deadline to settle by a certain age.
Carry all the weight in the relationship while walking on eggshells lest you offend his touchy ego.
Dance to the tune of a bully. Price: dependency, fear of rejection or fear of being alone. Give up all your autonomy and self respect to absorb his toxicity while putting a face to the world that all is well.
Wealthier and older men really slows down the thinking of women intending to pursue professional careers.
As a woman, avoid transactional relationships, for money than love.
Women have to build resilience & ambition.
A woman must learn that she is her own saviour and give a blind eye and un-listening ear to what other people say about her.
Do not compete with others basing it on your age. You are exactly where you are because that is where you are supposed to be at the moment!
James Mwenda