Kitui Governor Julius Malombe’s Social and Economic Transformative Strategy

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Kitui County Governor Dr Julius Malombe has today in wholeheartedly thanked his family for dedication that they accorded to him for the success of his overwhelming victory in the just concluded elections

Speaking during the swearing in ceremony at Ithookwe Showgrounds on Thursday 25th, Malombe said his family including his late wife Edith Mawia Malombe supported him vicariously in reclaiming back the Kitui’s leadership which has been in shampoo 

Malombe also thanked the wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka for supporting him in different parts of the county in reinforcing his transformative agenda for Kitui’s economic growth 

“My appreciation also goes to Wiper Democratic Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka for the opportunity to be the party’s gubernatorial flag bearer in Kitui County during the recent concluded elections.

I also wish to acknowledge the Azimio’s leader Rt Honourable Raila Odinga for his endorsement to return back in the helm of Kitui County, their support can’t be wished away,” Malombe noted

Malombe added that his first time, he made sure his track record speaks in volume likening John C Maxwel’s quote, “leader always has a proven track record,” the recipe that has attracted thousands of electorates to bring him back

He cited there was and will be equitable distribution of resources in every ward within Kitui as well as empowering women and youth groups and marginalised

“It’s my tenure that we hired ECDE teachers in all established ECDE classrooms increasing the number of enrolment for school going children from 63803 to 88615 and easing parent’s burden of paying school fees for preschool

Going forward, we shall complete all incomplete ECDE classrooms across the vast county so as to equip our children and ease walking-distance to primary schools” He assured ECDE teachers

Health Care

In his voluminous document decorated with a moving speech, Malombe reminded thousands who attended his inaugural party that Kitui had procured two mobile clinics for beyond zero campaigns hence stopping maternal deaths

Malombe laid down his strategy on healthcare by constructing teaching and referral hospital in Kitui and Mwingi, Level 4 hospital in each sub county, level 3 hospital in each ward, Level 2 hospital in each village, Modern maternity in each level 2 and 3 hospitals and an ambulance in each ward

“I will reinstate community health volunteers, budget for their services including conversion from Community Health Volunteers to Community Health Workers for better actualization of universal health care,” He underpinned


Malombe said that Kitui rose to third performing county at elementary level following his pro-poor education programme during his first term which was aimed at incentivising secondary learners with necessary education skills  

“Our first term propoor programme kept thousands of needy students from the county in school by providing them with bursaries,” He added

He added that in hi first tenure, people felt impactful leadership to all walks of life by reaching and accessing each and every sector which am going to restore for the betterment of our people

“Transformative, equitable development across the county, early payments of staffs, prompt and non-discriminatory  payments to suppliers will be my primary concerns

“There will be a regular training of famers in all villages and construction of sixty ardhi dams (2400 dams in every village) and five water pans in every ward,” He affirmed his commitment

He also promised level four hospital in each sub county, level three hospitals in every ward and levels one hospital in every village 


Collaborating with network providers to put up the masts and network boosters to make sure there’s network availability in all fourty wards so as to enhance internet connectivity

“I will install and order maintenance of street lights in every market as well as install WiFi in all established Technical and Vocational Training Centres,” Malombe’s blueprint  

Roads and construction: Tarmacking and slabbing of Kitui town museve miambani ndithini Kiviu Kamandio Ikoo Mwanzilu-Nzeluni-Mumbuni-Kalisasito Mwingi town road

Tarmacking of main streets in ward headquarters and key towns; slabbing, culverting of other prioritised county roads Ndithini-Malili-Mikuyuni and branching to Mutito-Mui-Nuu

Grading and improvement of security enhancing roada Mutha to Kona Kaliti, Ukasi-Sosoma-Engamba, Kandolongwe, Kwa Kamuru (Ngalange) Kaningo-Kora and George Adamson Bridge, Kwa Vonza-Mwakini-Kanyonyoo B2 ranch

Grading and putting murram 50KM per year of county roads in each ward and acquisition and maintenance of road construction machineries for each sub county

The move on revamping many streets and towns is to create a dustless towns and markets in Kitui County 

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