Kitui county government is now celebrated for saving billions of taxpayer’s money that was destined for theft should the money would have been wired to accounts without proper verification
This, is after the ‘committee on pending bills review’ which was appointed last year tabled their findings to Governor Dr Julius Malombe [EGH], raising one billion dollar questions over the orchestrated conspiracy to defraud innocent kituians
According to the chairperson of the committee Engineer Nicholas Muthui, is that only 55.74% of the claims presented were eligible ( sh. 1,431,226,009.65)
Muthui revealed that 44.26% ( sh. 1, 129, 492,629.17) Ineligible Bills were presented before the committee
A whopping sh. 2,560,718,638.82 billion had been handed over to Governor Malombe by the assumption of the office of the governor committee earlier on before the county chief formed a review committee.
The committee received a total of 55 Claims and Pending Bills for Court Decrees, Arbitral Awards, Legal Cases and Legal fees with Value of sh. 663,971,923.03
The committee, according to the chairperson, conducted field visits and did the analysis of the Claims and Pending Bills before compiling the final report to the Governor.
On his part, Governor Malombe said his administration is committed to pay all the eligible bills after presenting a payment plan to the Controller of Budget.
The governor further warned Contractors that no project implementation will be done without proper documentation forthwith
He exuded confidence of reviving the local economy through payment of services rendered to the government in good time to grow the residents.
“Going forward, we intend to pay contractors and other service providers in time, we have a duty to revive our local economy. That is one of the key reasons the people voted us to the office”. He said. He said.
The report was highlighted by the Mr Muthui, in a ceremony attended by members of the cabinet, the clergy, civil society and the press among other stakeholders