Kitui Governor Dr Julius Makau Malomba has finally appointed Chief Officers after a long rigorous exercise who will serve in his government subject to approval by the County Assembly
In an exercise which was anticipated by anxieties amid protests from four chief officers from the previous administration who filed a case in court, arguing that they cannot be replaced because the letters they got during their appointment indicated that they would be employed on permanent and pensionable terms
Led by embattled former County Secretary Zakayo Kimanzi, the four had petitioned the court to bar Dr Malombe from appointing officers to serve in their capacity before hearing and determination of their suitcase
Kitui County Officers in Governor Malombe’s Government 2022-2027
Kamunda John has now been nominated to head Service Delivery Unit and Public Communication while Ferdinand Kathenge takes Tourism, Hospitality and Game Reserve
Dr Benson Musyoka Wambua will be the new Chief Officer in the Medical Services, Nason Kang’alya Kilonzo was nominated to the department of Youth, Sports, ICT and Inovation while Benjamin Kithee Chamia to lead Roads and Public Works and John Makau Kimwele to the docket of Finance, Revenue Management and Accounting
Ms Agnes Kawila Mulewa was nominated to the department of Public Services and General Administration, Stephen Kitonga Salee heads Decentralized Units, SEKEB and Inter-Governmental Relations Department while Franciscah Kanza Kyui takes Performance Contracting, Disaster and Emergency Services
Lynn Kitwan Public Health and Sanitation and Bretta Mwangangi to the department of Culture, Gender, and Social Services, while Aggrey Kinyaili Kamba appointed in the department of Drugs and Medical Supplies Management
Malombe nominated Patrick Masila Munuve to the department of Economic Planning and Budgeting, while Stephen Makau Musili to Trade, Industry and Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises [MSMEs] and County Economic Industrial Zones [EIZs], Peter Ketonya Musya to the department of Transport and Bodaboda Sector and Paul Ngei Monyi to Cooperatives and Citizen Group Economic Empowerment Initiatives
Paul Kikele Mwalali was nominated to the department of Basic Education, ECDE and Childcare Facilities, Kennedy Munyambu Mwendwa to Polytechnics, Michael Kalii Mutisya to Lands and Housing. Evans Mutemi Mutua to Urban Development and Nelly Mutisya to Agriculture and Fisheries
Jonathan Kyambi Nzau was nominated to the Department of Livestock Development and Agriculture while Nathan Kasanga Vungo to Environment and Forestry, and Henry Ngilu Nyamai to the Department of Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources
All nominees will wait the county assembly appointments committee led by the speaker Kevin Kinengo Katisya to vet and be approved on the floor by the Members of County Assembly before assumption of their duties as the accounting officers or departmental heads in the created ministries