Kisii Governor Arati Storms DCI Headquarters 

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Kisii Governor Simba Arati has stormed Directorate of Criminal Investigation Headquarters to register discontentment over the conspiracy brewing to find faults on him so as to be  arrested 

Flanked by top renown lawyers Siaya Governor James Orengo, Ndegwa Njiru and Rariende MP Otiende Amolo, Arati launched an official complaint that there are schemes to defeat justice by Kisii County Criminal Investigation Officer.

Orengo demanded the action be taken against Kisii County CCIO whom they accused of abuse of office and conspiracy to find flaws on the character of their client who is much loved by the electorates.

The Siaya Governor also accused some government machineries operating under shadow to sabotage Kisii Governor from executing his agenda of serving the people of Kisii who voted him overwhelmingly 

“We have come here in solidarity of Kisii Governor Simba Arati who has been operating under very difficult circumstances due to persecution and intimidation being peddled against him by senior security officers at the behest of senior politicians who do not want him to serve the people of Kisii as expected,” said Orengo.

Further, Orengo added that the security officials were intending to plant weapons at the Governor’s residence so that they can have some grounds of arresting him and charging him in court of law

They stated, even though they are not sure whether the police will take action- they want the matter to be investigated.

He said that they had come to seek assurance that Arati was safe since some politicians were openly mobilizing to prevent the governor from working and that it was unfortunate that they were being given an opportunity to thrive through the complacency of security agencies.

On his part, Rarienda legislator, Omollo said that they had come up with a very unique complaint where they were reporting the DCI before the DCI and that they are waiting keenly to see what action will be taken against the Senior officer who had kept professionalism aside and was engaging in political antics.

“We have decided to follow the right procedure by complaining against a Directorate of Criminal Investigation Officer before her fellow officers, we are waiting to see what action will be taken against her since what she intends to do is wrong,” said Amolo.

Outspoken advocate Ndegwa Njiru said that following the latest happenings in Kisii, Arati can no longer discharge his duties as expected since he cannot stay at a home where some security officers with ill motives intend to raid and have illegal weapons and other substances put there so that they can arrest him.

On his part, Governor Arati said that his decision to make a complaint arose from information that had come to his attention through an online audio clip where the CCIO in Kisii is heard plotting with other officers to plant weapons at his residence in Kisii and in various residences of people perceived to be supporting him.

The Kisii Governor said that while the information reached him over the weekend, the plot appears to have been made earlier in February, 2024 after he attended the funeral service of the departed Kisii National Polytechnic Principal Daniel Nyariki where some government officers pledged to deal with him.

“The County Criminal Investigation Officer appears to have moved a step further in effecting the illegal plot by circulating names of 14 people perceived to be close to me, I am aware that the 14 individuals moved to court and obtained temporary conservatory orders at the Kisii High Court,” said Arati.

The governor said that because the question of insecurity and safety of the county residents has not been adequately addressed despite pronouncements in public forums, he had found it imperative to make an official report at the DCI headquarters for appropriate action to be taken.

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