Kalonzo in UK-Reconsiders Presidential Candidacy

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  • Kalonzo launched his presidential bid last Monday immediately, when he wasn’t picked as Raila’s running mate
  • Since then, there has been back and forth, Raila’s team persuading him to join Azimio
  • He, through his team, have laid down irreducible minimums that needs to be signed as an agreement pact, for job tenure, by both parties

Wiper Democratic Movement Party has exuded confidence that their party leader Kalonzo Musyoka is set to reconsider his presidential ambitions

Speaking on Monday 23rd May, at Machakos at Stony Athi hotel, after presenting his nomination papers and signatures to the Independent, Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Kathiani MP Robert Mbui noted plans of taking an about-turn on Kalonzo’s Presidency.

The National Assembly Deputy Leader of Minority said that they have decided to have their party leader use all available dispute resolution mechanisms before considering his presidential bid.

“We are the ones who endorsed our party leader to go run for the presidency.

We did this knowing there are other candidates but we did that in the understanding that every party has to organize itself for power.

We also told him that he is free to talk with other political parties that he could form a coalition with,” Joint press statement read.

“The intention was to ensure that we are part of the next government. We believed that Kalonzo was going to be president and later as a running mate.

When that did not happen, as a party, we positioned our leaders as a president so that we cannot be taken for a ride. We have even taken his papers to the IEBC,” Kathiani lawmaker said.

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They further added that they will convince Kalonzo to have structured conversations with Azimio la Umoja chiefs as one way of ending the current witnessed stand off between Wiper and Azimio’s camp.

“But what we have decided as a family is that the country is greater than Wiper itself.

We had agreed to work under Azimio-One Kenya Alliance and maybe it is time to exhaust all the options that were available in Azimio.

We are asking our party leader that we consider the possibility of having further discussions on this coalition arrangement” added Wiper Party’s National Organizing Secretary Robert Mbui.

Wiper said they were disappointed by Azimio since there were no structured negotiations and discussions.

Kalonzo is reported to have jet out of the country into the United Kingdom for a private tour.

The new developments were confirmed early today by Kitui Senator Enock Wambua Kiio through his Twitter handle

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