Parliament advises petitioner that the matter before them can only be handled by the President
Operation Linda Ugatuzi moved to Parliament to have IG Koome be expunged from the office on grounds of disadhering to the laws of the land
The National Assembly has reverted to the petition presented before Members of Parliament over the removal from office the Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome
In a letter dated 1st August, the Clerk of the National Assembly, stated the Inspector General of Police, may only be removed from office by President
“We have perused the constitution, the Act, the National Police Service Act, 2011 and the National Assembly Standing Orders and advise that the petition seeks the removal from office the Inspector General and Inspector General as a member of the National Police Service Commission in a manner that is contrary to the provisions of Article 245 of the constitution.
Article 245 of the constitution provides that the IG may only be removed from office by the President,” Part of the letter signed by Dr Sarah Kioko, for Clerk of the National Assembly, inked
According to the Clerk, all petitions to the National Assembly are governed by the constitution
“The petition to parliament [procedure] Act, and the National Assembly Standing Orders. Therefore, this petition, cannot, be presented to the House,” Ordered
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The Operation Linda Jamii had on 27th July, petitioned to the parliament, for the removal from office the Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome over breach of the rule of law
In their petition, the lobby group cited incidents where Koome has blatantly refused to adhere to the constitutionalism that brought him in office
They reminded parliament and public that on March, 2023, Mr Koome promoted police officers contrary to the tenets of the constitution, where such mandate is drawn from the National Police Service Commission
Koome, having told by the commission to revoke the appointments, started defending himself claiming he had prerogative powers to make any changes in the discipline force
He has also been accused by the civil society organisations for ordering police to shoot to kill during the anti-government protests led by opposition leaders
On this, he conjunctevely, allowed plain clothes police officers to cause mayhem, shoot to kill and made several arrrests as well as bungling members of the public into police vehicles contrary to the law